[Sermons De Jean Calvin Sur Les Dix Commandments de la Loy Donnee a Dieu par Moyse autrement appelez le Decalogue. Recueillis sur le Champ & mot a mot de ses Predications lors qu' il Preschoit le Deuteronome sans que Depuis y ait este rien adjouste ne diminue."    Geneva, Francois Estienne MDLXII (1562)]

"The Sermons of John Calvin on the ten commandments of the law given from God through Moses, otherwise known as the Decalogue. 

Compiled from field notes, verbatim, from his preachings on Deuteronomy, nothing after the fact being altered or excised" 

12mo later vellum binding (c18th century )

200 (out of 201 leaves)

This is a very rare 1562 Geneva edition of sermons preached by the chief reformer, John Calvin in Geneva and printed by Francois  Estienne. 

Condition: Staining in several places.  Some leaves have loss damage, some affecting text. Title page missing and supplied by facsimile.  Last page has text on recto.  Front pastedown has a book plate.  Facing leaf has an 18th century comment on reformation preaching.