SG Labs

PREZZO: 3 400,00 €
IVA: 748,00 €

TOTALE: 4 148,00 €

L'importo è interamente fatturabile


NET PRICE: 3 400,00 €
VAT (Tax): 748,00 €

TOTAL AMOUNT: 4 148,00 €

OUTSIDE ITALY: You have to pay tax only if you are in European Community and you don't have valid vat number, otherwise you have to pay only the "Net PRICE"

HP Agilent 4396B
HP Agilent Keysight 4396B
Analizzatore di reti spettro e impedenza
 1.8 GHz

The 4396B provides excellent RF vector network, spectrum, and optional impedance measurements for lab and production applications. Gain, phase, group delay, distortion, spurious, CN, and noise measurements often required for evaluating components and circuits can be measured using one instrument.

When combined with a test set, the 4396B provides reflection measurements, such as return loss, and SWR, and S parameters. As a vector network analyzer, the 4396B operates from 100 kHz to 1.8 GHz with 1 mHz resolution and its integrated synthesized source provides -60 to +20 dBm of output power with 0.1 dB resolution. The dynamic magnitude and phase accuracy are +/-0.05 dB and +/-0.3 deg so that it can accurately measure gain and group delay flatness, which are becoming more important in modern electronics systems.

As a spectrum analyzer, the 4396B operates from 2 Hz to 1.8 GHz with resolution bandwidths (RBWs) spanning 1 Hz to 3 MHz in a 1-3-10 sequence. A fully-synthesized local oscillator allows stable and accurate frequency analysis. Direct A/D conversion (no LOG amplifier is used) results in +/-1.0 dB overall level accuracy. Noise sidebands fall below -105 dBc/Hz offset 10 kHz from carriers below 1 GHz, while sensitivity is -150 dBm/Hz at 10 MHz and -147 dBm/Hz at 1 GHz. In addition, with two independent display channels available, you can simultaneously view network and spectrum (or transmission and reflection) characteristics of the device under test in split-screen format. For example, an amplifier's frequency response (network measurement) and distortion (spectrum measurement) can be shown at the same time.

  • Da 2 Hz a 1,8 GHz, RBW da 1 Hz a 3 MHz
  • Misurazione e analisi completa di reti vettoriali e spettro
  • Misurazione di rete ad ampio range dinamico con velocità di scansione elevate
  • Precisione di ampiezza dinamica/fase ±0,05 dB/0,3 d°C
  • Misurazione dello spettro a banda stretta estremamente veloce
  • Opzione di analisi dell'impedenza e kit di test disponibili
  • Precisione del livello di ±1,0 dB per l'analisi dello spettro
  • Sensibilità -150 dBm/Hz per l'analisi dello spettro
  • IBASIC integrato per una facile automazione dei test
  • Opzione di analisi dello spettro temporizzata
  • Display TFT a colori e unità disco/disco RAM integrati
Visita il nostro sito ufficiale per le specifiche di questo prodotto:

  • Cavo alimentazione
  • Manuale cartaceo e CDROM
  • 3 mesi di garanzia
  • Strumento testato e perfettamente funzionante
  • Strumento USATO
  • Condizioni estetiche: Buone
  • Diritto di recesso di 14 gg a patto che lo strumento rientri nelle identiche condizioni in cui è stato venduto
  • Lo strumento venduto ha garanzia di 3 mesi
  • Tutti gli accessori inclusi vengono specificati nella descrizione
  • Gli imballi sono professionali
  • La spedizione viene effettuata il giorno stesso, al più il seguente, in cui viene verificato il pagamento
  • Se viene richiesto il certificato di calibrazione, i tempi di spedizione si allungano di circa 15 gg
  • Si accettano pagamenti tramite Paypal e bonifico bancario
  • Tutti i prezzi sono IVA compresa
  • 2 Hz to 1.8 GHz, RBW 1 Hz to 3 MHz
  • Full vector network and spectrum measurement and analysis
  • Wide dynamic range network measurement with fast sweep speeds
  • ±0.05 dB/0.3d°C dynamic magnitude/phase accuracy
  • Extremely fast narrowband spectrum measurement
  • Impedance analysis option and test kit available
  • ±1.0 dB level accuracy for spectrum analysis
  • -150 dBm/Hz sensitivity for spectrum analysis
  • Built-in IBASIC for easy test automation
  • Time-gated spectrum analysis option
  • Color TFT display and built-in disk drive/RAM disk
Visit our Website for technical specifications:

  • Power cord
  • Printed Manual and CDROM
  • The instrument has guarantee of 3 months
  • Tested, 100% working condition
  • USED Instrument
  • Physical conditions: Good
  • Right of refusal 14 days on condition that the instrument come back in the identical conditions it has been sold.
  • The instrument has guarantee of 3 months
  • All enclosed accessories are specified in the description
  • The shipping costs depend from the country
  • Professional packaging
  • The shipment is the same day of payment or the day after
  • If needed certificate of calibration, the time of shipment is 15 days longer and certificate has additional cost
  • Payment accepted: Paypal and wire transfer bank
  • All prices are Vat (tax) included if you have valid VAT number (european countries) the price will about 22% less, for example if price is 122 €, without VAT is 100 €
  • If you are outside European Community VAT is not applied