A Vuvi ancestor (moghondzi) mask. Gabon, Central Africa.
According to research such masks were used during bwete/bwiti initiation ceremonies for young people in the community. Wood, kaolin (representing Ngonde, the moon), and other pigments. The masks were also worn during Iboga ritual and trance divination. The first compulsory rite of passage, called the bwete disumba, or the classic bwete or Bwiti, consists of the drinking the concoction of the grated bark of the roots of the Iboga bush. This consumption of the sacred wood results in a temporary alteration of consciousness and hallucination that enables contact with the Great Beyond. During this ritual the public bwete events were spectacular. The masks would emerge from the obscurity of darkness to the blowing of horns, beating of drums, and the light cast by torch bearers announcing the return of the initiates from the bush.

This mask measures 9.5 inches.