Pauline Sonya is part of a Cabbage Patch Collection that was stored in a smoke-free/pet-free environment. Head mold is #15. Her tag features P which refers to a factory for Coleco, made in China. She is a cornsilk red haired CPK Growing Hair doll and her hair does extend and retract when one pushes in on her chest/stomach. ***Please note that you must push in the perfect location in order for her hair to retract.***

She is wearing her original authentic clothing with is P 847B; a drop waist dress with lace down the front, around the collar and hem. This outfit is a blue and white floral print with a blue stain bow and accents. She is also wearing white panties, white and blue lacy socks and blue shoes.

***Please review all attached pictures as Pauline Sonya does have some white on her nose and on the back of her head by her headmold number.  Her neckline is discolored as well and she has some faint dark streaks on the right-hand side of her face.  I did not attempt to clean her face***  

Regarding her adoption papers, envelope is sealed but does feature some handwriting on the reverse side. Purchase date was April 1990 and the handwriting indicates Pauline Sonya is wearing her original outfit. Her hair is quite a mess and I did not attempt to "fix" it. Pauline Sonya also comes with her brush and growing hair styling guide.

Please let me know if you have any questions.