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St Thomas Aquinas Lot of 25 Christian Commentary Audiobooks
 in 29 MP3 Audio CDs

Saint Thomas Aquinas 
(1225 - 1274)

Thomas Aquinas, O.P. (1225 – 7 March 1274), also Thomas of Aquin or Aquino, was an Italian Dominican priest, and an immensely influential philosopher and theologian in the tradition of scholasticism, within which he is also known as the "Dumb Ox", "Angelic Doctor", "Doctor Communis", and "Doctor Universalis".

The Catena Aurea (Golden Chain)
The Catena Aurea (Golden Chain) presents the commentaries of the greatest theologians (e.g. St. John Chrysostom, St. Jerome, St. Augustine, etc.) of the Church as if they were having a discussion on each verse of the Bible. St. Thomas Aquinas put this work together from sermons and commentaries on the Gospels composed by over eighty early Church Fathers, providing their insights into each passage. The work shows his intimate acquaintance with the Early Fathers.

The work was commissioned by Pope Urban IV, so that everyone could understand the established meaning of the Gospels from the teaching of the early Fathers.

Catena Aurea Gospel of St. Luke - Part 1
Read by Ancient Christian
Running Time:16:05:20 in 1 MP3 Audio CD

Catena Aurea Gospel of St. Luke - Part 2
Read by Ancient Christian
Running Time:16:54:07 in 1 MP3 Audio CD

Catena Aurea: Gospel of St. Mark
Read by Ancient Christian
Running Time:14:04:07 in 1 MP3 Audio CD

Catena Aurea, St. John - Vol 4, Part 1
Read by Ancient Christian
Running Time:15:54:31 in 1 MP3 Audio CD

Catena Aurea, St. John, - Vol 4 Part 2
Read by Ancient Christian
Running Time:11:24:59 in 1 MP3 Audio CD

Catena Aurea, St. Matthew - Vol 1, Part 1 
Read by Ancient Christian
Running Time:17:05:28 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
 This first volume covers Matthew 1 - 10.

Catena Aurea, St. Matthew - Vol 1, Part 2
Read by Ancient Christian
Running Time:13:34:02 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
This first volume covers Matthew 11 - 21.

Catena Aurea, St. Matthew - Vol 1, Part 3
Read by Ancient Christian
Running Time:10:34:28 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
This first volume covers Matthew 22 - 28.

Summa Contra Gentiles, First Book (On God)
Read by M.S.C. Lambert, LC
Running Time:09:28:47 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
The Summa Contra Gentiles was composed by Thomas Aquinas between 1259 and 1265, in four books broadly covering teachings on God, on Creation, on Providence, and on tenets specific to Christianity. This Summa is not to be confused with his final Summa, the Summa Theologiae. The latter is specifically "theological" and directed to a Christian audience (hence Summa "Theologica"), whereas the former, as the "Contra Gentiles" indicates, is directed toward "non-Christian" thinkers. Implicitly a defense of the Catholic Christian faith, the first three books constitute a sort of rational apology of Christian thought, where philosophical arguments are deployed to defend Christian beliefs and usually only evoke Scripture in a latter instance to show its concordance with these largely-rational conclusions; the fourth book, however, is theological in character given that its content deals primarily with topics derived from Christian revelation. Although Thomas Aquinas certainly aims to discredit pagan, Jewish, Muslim or Christian-"heretical" positions incompatible with the Catholic Christian religion in this work, at the same time he incorporates whatever is salvageable from their thought, thus often quoting in his favor the very authors he discredits on other positions: therefore the "Contra Gentiles" of this Summa is not to be understood as an outright rejection of non-Christian thought, but rather as a sort of "rational purification" unto its Catholic assimilation, in disposing open minds to revealed Christian truths. 

The Summa Theologica
The Summa Theologica (or the Summa Theologiae or simply the Summa, written between 1265–1274) is the most famous work of Thomas Aquinas, even though it was never finished. It was intended as a manual for beginners and a compilation of all of the main theological teachings of that time. It summarizes the reasoning for almost all points of Christian theology in the West, which, before the Protestant Reformation, subsisted solely in the Roman Catholic Church. The Summa's topics follow a cycle: the existence of God, God's creation, Man, Man's purpose, Christ, the Sacraments, and back to God.

Summa Theologica - 01 Pars Prima, Initial Questions
Read by Jim Ruddy
Running Time 12:44:37 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
This is part one of six parts of the Pars Prima, consisting of the Initial Questions.

Summa Theologica - 02 Pars Prima, Trinity and Creation
Read by Jim Ruddy
Running Time:10:41:51 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
This is part two of six parts of the Pars Prima, consisting of questions regarding the Trinity and Creation.

Summa Theologica - 03 Pars Prima, Angels and the Six Days
Read by Jim Ruddy, Sundiata, Caluminium, Anna Roberts, Tony Russell, Phil Chenevert, Kelley Wyskiel, Leni
Running Time:10:37:57 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
These are parts three and four of six parts of the Pars Prima, consisting of questions regarding the Angels, and the Work of the Six Days.

Summa Theologica - 04 Pars Prima, On Man
Read by Lori Arsenault; Devon Purtz; Larry Wilson; Titankin77; Andrew Bowles; Adam; Kristin Gjerløw; Jack Watson Warr; Geremia; Eduardo; Ann Boulais; Greg Giordano; Paul Mazumdar; Adam Taylor; JustinJYN; Kevin Eves; April Gonzales; K Hand
Running Time:14:55:04 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
This is part five of six parts of the Pars Prima, consisting of the Treatise on Man.

Summa Theologica - 05 Pars Prima, On the Divine Government
Read by Anil; Ann Boulais; Sienna; Anna Simon; Leni; Geremia; Mary J
Running Time:07:31:06 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
This is part six, the last part of the Pars Prima, consisting of the Treatise on the Divine Government.

Summa Theologica - 06 Pars Prima Secundae, On the Last End, On Human Acts
Read by Eric Metzler, Mary J, Sienna, JustinJYN, KHand, Linda Dodge, Ann Boulais, Fred Abboud, Jill Clancy
Running Time:12:20:15 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
This is part seven, the first part of the Pars Prima Secundae, consisting of the Treatises on the Last End and on Human Acts.

Summa Theologica - 07 Pars Prima Secundae, Treatise on the Passions
Read by M.S.C. Lambert, LC
Running Time:12:57:18 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
This selection of the Summa Theologica covers questions 22-48 of the Prima Secundae ("First-half of the Second Part"), a Treatise on the Passions: the passions in general (questions 22-25), and in particular (questions 26-48), whether these latter be concupiscent (26-39) or irascible (40-48).

Summa Theologica - 08 Pars Prima Secundae, Treatise on Habits, Virtues and Vices
Read by M.S.C. Lambert, LC
Running Time:24:19:50 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
his selection of the Summa Theologica covers questions 49-89 of the Prima Secundae ("First-half of the Second Part"), a Treatise on the Habits, Virtues and Vices: the habits in general (questions 49-54), and in particular (questions 55-89), whether expressed as virtues (55-70) or as vices (71-89).

Summa Theologica - 09 Pars Prima Secundae, Treatise on Law and Grace
Read by M.S.C. Lambert, LC
Running Time:20:21:34 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
This selection of the Summa Theologica covers questions 90-114 of the Prima Secundae ("First-half of the Second Part"), comprising Treatises on Law (questions 90-108) and Grace (questions 109-114).

Summa Theologica - 10 Pars Secunda Secundae, Treatise on the Theological Virtues: Faith, Hope, Charity
Read by M.S.C. Lambert, LC
Running Time:27:12:37 in 2 MP3 Audio CDs
This selection of the Summa Theologica covers questions 1-46 of the Secunda Secundae ("Second-half of the Second Part"), comprising a Treatise on the Theological Virtues: Faith (questions 1-16), Hope (questions 17-22), and Love (questions 23-46).

Summa Theologica - 11 Pars Secunda Secundae, Treatise on the Cardinal Virtues: Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance 
Read by M.S.C. Lambert, LC
Running Time:60:04:12 in 3 MP3 Audio CDs
This selection of the Summa Theologica covers questions 47-170 of the Secunda Secundae ("Second-half of the Second Part"), comprising a Treatise on the Cardinal Virtues: Prudence (questions 47-56), Justice (questions 57-122), Fortitude (questions 123-140), and Temperance (questions 141-170) - each with their own subordinate moral virtues.

Summa Theologica - 12 Pars Secunda Secundae, Treatise on Gratuitous Graces and the States of Life
Read by M.S.C. Lambert, LC
Running Time:15:32:59 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
This selection of the Summa Theologica covers questions 171-189 of the Secunda Secundae ("Second-half of the Second Part"), which comprise Treatises on the Gratuitous Graces (questions 171-182) and the States of Life (questions 183-189), with which the Second Part concludes.

Summa Theologica - 13 Tertia Pars, The Saviour: His Incarnation and His Salvific Acts
 Read by M.S.C. Lambert, LC
Running Time:32:19:38 in 2 MP3 Audio CDs
This selection of the Summa Theologica covers questions 1-59 of the Tertia Pars ("Third Part"), comprising a Treatise on the Saviour: the Mystery of the Incarnation in itself (questions 1-26), and on what things the Incarnate Son of God did or suffered in the human nature united to Him (questions 27-59).

Summa Theologica - 14 Tertia Pars, The Sacraments
 Read by M.S.C. Lambert, LC
Running Time:24:45:39 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
This selection of the Summa Theologica covers questions 60-90 of the Tertia Pars ("Third Part"), comprising a Treatise on the Sacraments: the sacraments in general (questions 60-65) and in particular (questions 66-90), whether on Baptism (66-71), Confirmation (72), Eucharist (53-83), or Penance (84-90) - at which point Aquinas' composition of the Summa ended abruptly.

Ninety-Nine Homilies of St. Thomas Aquinas Upon the Epistles and Gospels
Read by InTheDesert, M.S.C. Lambert, LC, Jonathan Jones, Larry Wilson, Lori Arsenault, Kerry Adams, Jim DeBiase, Ronell, Algy Pug, Hopefortruth, Fred R. Brawner, Charles Zwick Jr.,M Leigh, C Zandra, Hansen, SteveChanderbhan, Vinny Lerin, TriciaG, Thorolfhammer, InTheDesert
Running Time:09:44:23 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
The Homilies of the great "Angelical Doctor" are but outlines, the filling in of which are left to the preacher's own judgment and taste. It is because these outline Homilies are so very full of suggestive hints, and display such a very wonderful knowledge of Holy Scripture, that the experiment is made of presenting the Advent series to the reader in an English dress. The skeleton character of the original is preserved in the translation

Compendium of the Summa Theologica of St Thomas Aquinas: Pars Prima
Saint Thomas Aquinas, Bernardus Bonjoannes et al.
Read by InTheDesert
Running Time:05:52:25 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
This Compendium, written in the sixteenth century, has several advantages over later ones; the subject matter being so condensed as to exhibit the connection of doctrine forcibly and clearly, divested of the "Objections" and other peculiarities of form which might divert the modern reader from the main point. It is a book suitable either for meditation, or for spiritual reading of a more substantial and efficient character than is to be found in many of our modern books of devotion. An appendix has been added containing a few notes for the benefit of such as may be unacquainted with the terms of Scholastic Philosophy. Note: This work is different to Thomas Aquinas' own abridgment of the Summa known as the "Compendium of Theology".

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