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Louis Joseph Vance Lot of 5 Detective Romance Audiobooks in 5 MP3 Audio CDs

Louis Joseph Vance
 (1879 - 1933)

Louis Joseph Vance was an American novelist, born in Washington, D. C., and educated in the preparatory department of the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. He wrote short stories and verse after 1901, then composed many popular novels. His character "Michael Lanyard", also known as "The Lone Wolf", was featured in eight books and 24 films between 1914 and 1949, and also appeared in radio and television series.

Joan Thursday
Running Time:12:53:36 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Read by Matt Pierard
Minor potboiler is a change of pace from the author of the Lone Wolf detective series. Tenement beauty (and wannabe stage-star) Joan Thursby seeks to raise herself up out of the gutter in 1900's New York City, in a precursor to superior soaps like Stella Dallas a decade later. Full of the kind of purple prose common to writers prone to overuse of the thesaurus, and leavened with a bit of humor, the basic story is still entertaining for fans of low-brow lit. 

Red Masquerade
Action & Adventure Fiction, Crime & Mystery Fiction
Running Time:08:10:53 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Read in English by Caprisha Page; Carolin Kaiser; 
Natalie Oram; Lynne Thompson; Bala; Callia; Tara Dow; Sam R and Anna Purna
In the beginning of his career, Michael Lanyard alias The Lone Wolf, the most talented thief of his day, made the acquaintance of the beautiful Princess Sofia, but he also made an enemy of her husband, Prince Victor. Years later, Lanyard's daughter gets into the crossfire...
Red Masquerade is the third book in the Lone Wolf Series.

The Black Bag
Detective Fiction
Running Time:10:27:47 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Read by William Tomcho, Adam Doughty, Anna Simon, CrowGirl and Michele Eaton
Mr. Philip Kirkwood, a not so successful painter, receives a visitor from his home town in America, who wants him to do him an unspecified favor, but Kirkwood doesn''t trust him and sends him away. That night, he sees the stranger dine with his beautiful daughter. In order to protect the girl, the stranger confesses to Kirkwood, that he will be arrested upon leaving the restaurant. Kirkwood agrees to take care of the girl, but when he brings her home, he knows that she is in danger and that there is a mystery attached. He decides to protect the girl?

The False Faces
Suspense, Espionage, Political & Thrillers, War & Military Fiction
Running Time:8:45:40 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Read by William Tomcho, Robin Cotter, Phil Chenevert, 
Meg Cowan, Steve C, Steve Mattingly, April Gonzales and Charlotte Stephens
This is the second book in the Lone Wolf series. Michael Lanyard had turned his back on his career as gentleman-thief and started a respectable life, when World War I wrecks his life. With his family dead and the spy Ekstrom alive after all, his special skills as the Lone Wolf are needed once more, this time in the war behind enemy lines. But again, there is a mysterious woman involved.

The Lone Wolf
Detective Fiction, Romance
Running Time:8:03:32 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Read by William Tomcho, Ryan Ransom, Adina Owen, CrowGirl,
 Steve Mattingly, ToddHW and Charlotte Stephens
The Lone Wolf is the first of eight books in a series featuring the jewel thief turned private detective Michael Lanyard. With his identity betrayed and the police on his heels, he must fly from Paris, which is made much more difficult by his self-imposed duty to take care of the beautiful Lucia, who has a dark secret of her own...
A large number of movies have been based on the books.

  • Our Audiobooks are Complete and Unabridged (unless otherwise indicated)
  • Our Audiobooks are always read by real people, never by computers.
  • Please Note: These recorded readings are from the author's original works which are in the public domain. All recordings and artwork are in the public domain and there are no infringements or copyrights. Each track starts with "This is a LibriVox recording...."
  • Although Librivox has graciously made these recordings available to the public domain, they are not associated with the sale of this product.

Public domain books

A public-domain book is a book with no copyright, a book that was created without a license, or a book where its copyrights expired or have been forfeited.

In most countries the of copyright expires on the first day of January, 70 years after the death of the latest living author. The longest copyright term is in Mexico, which has life plus 100 years for all deaths since July 1928.

A notable exception is the United States, where every book and tale published before 1926 is in the public domain; American copyrights last for 95 years for books originally published between 1925 and 1978 if the copyright was properly registered and maintained.