«The Lord Almighty. St. Pantaleon (Panteleimon), the Great Martyr and Healer»

Technique: Miniature relief, casting, niello. 
Weight: 4,35 gram.(approx.)
Materials: Silver (925) .
Dimensions: 2,2х1,2 centimeters (0,88х0,47 inch)

A small cross with the image of the Lord Almighty on the obverse, and a prayer on the reverse originates from the source of Orthodox culture – from the art of ancient Byzantium wherefrom its simple laconic shape and iconography are borrowed. 
Here the Lord stands freely, with His right hand blessing a book that He holds with care in His left one. On either side of it His sacred name the short title is scripted “ИС ХС” as well as a caption “Almighty” (Pantocrator)”.