Bethok – Jalak Buda keris, kris  – Wilah with Bethok Jalak Buda Putut dapur and pamor Kelengan – Sandang Walikat warangka of stunning Trembalo Aceh wood.


The wilah (blade) of this stunning Bethok Jalak Buda keris is forged with stunning Kamarogan art, depicting 3 Buda’s, surrounded by floral decorations. Kamarogan means that the wilah is carved with ornamental decoration, both abstract and figurative, using carving techniques.


Furthermore, the wilah is forged to Bethok, Jalak Buda Putut dapur. The shape of a Bethok keris is quite different from other kerisses. Bethok krissen have a wider wilah. The length of the wilah is only about half or three quarters the length of a normal keris. The gandik is simple, quite long in size. Some keris aficionados say that this keris is good for those who have an aggressive and often determined nature, as it is believed to reduce negative natures. Keris with dapur Bethok are very rare and therefore very popular among keris collectors. The reason is that this dapur (form) functions as an overlapping keris, also called the caretaker's kris, which is believed to neutralize negative auras. The keris strata, written or not, actually refers to the patronizing system in Javanese culture. The most respected people are the oldest. Although not rigidly applicable, in the social order of Javanese society, the old people take precedence. So, it is common that later in the kris world the Bethok keris is placed as an elder (considered the eldest) and believed to be able to dampen the negative auras of the younger krises. The Purwacarito Buddhist keris is a discovery keris with a distinctive shape.


In the place of the Gandhik a putut can be admired. The word 'Putut' actually means young priest, but the shape of the Putut instead of the gandik, sometimes resembles a seated monkey. Putut, in Javanese terms, means Student or Santri or Cantrik, one who studies or learns knowledge (something) from a teacher/rishi/pandita etc. It appears in a sitting position with legs crossed and hands raised as if in a prayer position. To gain knowledge, as a student you must go through the process of tirakat, meditation to achieve stillness, inner purity, trust and surrender to the almighty. If our souls are clean, we will easily absorb the knowledge we learn. As a student, or someone who studies, you must be able to distance yourself from the arrogance and omniscience (rumongso biso) that you should be "biso rumongso". You must be open-minded, introspective, humble, simple, happy and willing to learn from others. Due to the nature of the Puthut kris-dapur as described above, a Putut keris is often thought of as an occult keris. Especially for independent entrepreneurs and businessmen, this keris will remove obstacles and create new opportunities so that the owner will be very successful both commercially and organizationally.


The keris houses in a magnificent Sandang Walikat warangka of beautiful Trembalo Aceh wood.



Dapur: Bethok, Jalak Buda Putut

Pamor: Kelengan

Tangguh: Mataram abad XX (20th century)

Warangka: Sandang Walikat

Kayu: Trembalo Aceh



Total length: 43,5cm.

Length of the Keris: 41cm.

Length of the Wilah: 28,5cm.