Roughly 2.55 inches semi square

With surface debris, chips, inclusions

the color of this object may vary pending on lighting, your computer, or our camera settings

The item is sold as-is: Item is - Doesn't seem authentic, not as described, not as pictured - or item does not match pictures, not old, not antique, broken, damaged or with damage, repair or repaired, with or has cracks, hairlines, material may or may not be metal-the material is as pictured as is, item may not be heavy enough, or have "correct weight" -weight may be wrong, chips, rips, loss, stains, splits, fading to color, painting color is worn out, reproduction, counterfeit, fake, not as old as thought, expert said item is not antique or not as old was expected it to be - we are not responsible for third party opinion on this purchase after the sale - material properties, not known, we advise you to contact those people that you must get approval of, before purchase - we do not make any claims on the age of the items sold, we are not experts and cannot provide the certification of age on this item or provide documentation of authenticity.