You are inspecting a Soviet army to Bolt Action Wargame rules. The figures are by multiple makers like Airfix, Marx, ESCI, ITALERIA, Mars and others. There are 40 riflemen, 36 assualt submachine gunners (icluding15 Soviet Mars assault infantry), 10 ptrd lmg (1 man) 2  Heavy machine gun (w/ 2 man crew), 2 officers, 2 man mortar team (doubles for 45mm anti tank gun),1 observer, 3 panzer faust,(with assualt team) , 3 flame thrower ( with assault troops), 1sniper and1commisar. this 94 figures.

    The vehicles are 1 t-26 3d print, one 3d print Ba-7, one 45mm antitank gun with truck.These are great for 54mm wargaming such games as Bolt Action, Force on Force or Flames of War with modifications to ground scale and ranges. 

Please inspect the photos as these are the figures you receive. Only the figures and vehicles are in this auction.

Sold as is, no returns.

thanks for the look.