Check out our full range of Dog Groomer’s Stationery

Show your customers what is in included in the price of their groom, not just a bath and trim but all the work that you do.  Sometimes customers do not realise what is included in all that you do. 

Aggressive dog sign gives you the opportunity to advise customers that aggressive dogs will be charged more, may take longer and if necessary you may need to stop. 

  • 2 quality A4 laminated card signs, 160gsm card (laminated 150 microns)
We have a large range of stationery not listed on ebay, including sedition policy sets, flea management sets, wall signs including no show, hot dogs, dental, price increase, heatstroke, walkins, and much more.  We have weekly & monthly special offers.  Like us on FB to keep up with our offers and new ranges.


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