This listing is for Premium Quality 




About the product:


Product Description:

A member of the mustard family and probably originating in Eurasia, radish is one of the first recorded cultivated vegetables. Its name comes from the Latin word "radix," meaning "a root." Radish Sprouts are fast growing with a spicy, hot flavor.

Radish seeds have a slightly hot, radish-type “bite” so they are often sprouted with alfalfa and clover sprouts for a little more “zing” in sprout salads. If you like radishes you will of course love the zesty crunch of radish sprouts from our radish seed. If you’d like to add a little excitement you can add them to your alfalfa seed or clover seed to nicely perk up their flavor as well.

Sprouted radish seeds have 29 times more vitamin C and 4 time more vitamin A than a serving of milk. There is also 10 times more calcium in a serving of radish sprouts than in a baked potato and more vitamin C than pineapple. One cup of sprouted radish seeds has only 16 calories, are low in fat and high in fiber so like all sprouted seeds they are a dieters delight.


Nutritional info:

Vitamins A, B, C, E and K

Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc,

Carotene, Chlorophyll, Amino Acids, Trace Elements, Antioxidants

Protein: 35%


Suggested uses:

Juices, salads, sandwiches, soups, sprout loaves.


Growing sprouts is an easy process. You can find a related video instruction if you search for “Sprouting Broccoli in an Easy Sprout Sprouter” at the YouTube website.

Basic Sprouting Instructions:

Just soak the seed 4 to 6 hours in a sprouting jar, rinse and leave in the jar or place in a try to grow. Make sure you rinse the growing seeds at least twice a day and that they are well drained after rinsing. In 5 to 7 days you will have a fresh crop of sprouted radish seeds. Spicy!