CarPlan Triplewax 

Genuine Chamois Leather

Size: Medium

Approx 1.5 Sq Foot (irregular shape)


Chamois leather is a natural product with unique properties allowing it to absorb up to 6 times its own weight in

water, making it perfect for use on cars ensuring a dry, streak-free finish. When dry, chamois leather is also ideal

for polishing glass, windows, furniture and items of silver, leaving them dust free with a perfect shine.

Directions For Use:

• Before using for the first time soak the chamois in a bucket of warm, slightly soapy water for around one


• Remove from bucket and rinse in clean water

• Wring dry by hand

• Use chamois to dry car

• After each use rinse in clean water

• Carefully stretch back into shape and hang up allowing to dry naturally away from direct heat and sunlight.