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Full Box of RAW Organic Hemp Kingsize Slim Rolling Papers 50 Packs New!


Brand New

RAW Organic Hemp Kingsize Slim Rolling Papers


 A full unopened box of 50 Organic Hemp Kingsize Slim Rolling Papers Packs


The Organic Way To Roll! RAW Organic is made from organically grown* chlorine free pure hemp and is processed in an eco-friendly manner. The result is a very thin light tan paper that burns extra slow and extra clean.

It uses the same proprietary crisscross run-preventing watermark as RAW Classic but the colour is much lighter and varies depending on the shade of the hemp used in production.

The taste of RAW Organic is unlike anything you have experienced. It is clean tasting that is best described as natural, light and pure. Finally, an ORGANIC rolling paper made from pure hemp!


    CE Approved