Mentoring Your Younger You

     If ever you’ve thought, “I wish I knew then what I know now,” this CD allows you the opportunity to have that wish come true through self-hypnosis. We often tend to be hard on ourselves as adults, but connecting with the image of yourself as a child inspires a kinder attitude and a venue through which you can do a better job of nurturing yourself than actually occurred. The subconscious mind processes your pretense as though it were reality, which translates into a happier outlook on life and a healthier self-image.


So my sister loaned me her hypnosis CD for stress and said "You HAVE to listen to this!" I told her I didn't think I needed it but she said that didn't matter, I needed to listen to it anyway because I would love it. Was she ever right!  I didn't want to give it back so I burned a copy and started looking around on the internet to find one to help me get over some issues that happened when I was a kid. I loved the voices on the stress CD, so I ordered one from the same people called Inner Child because awhile back I read a magazine article about that.  OMG this CD pushes all my buttons and I love listening to it. I put it on my smart phone so I can use it during my breaks at work. Trust me when I tell you it is life changing!

Shawna McArthur, Sales Clerk, Omaha, Nebraska

 This stand up guy at a comedy club I went to recently did this whole act about your "inner child." Yes it cracked everybody up, but it also got me thinking. There's an empty office in our building where a hypnotherapist used to be so when I was trying to find out if he was working in a new location, I came across hypnosis CDs on line and ordered Inner Child from Evergreen Professional Hypnotherapy in California. It was a real find! If I ever travel to that area I am going to look these people up. It's no wonder they've been around forever, they are amazing.

Miranda Strickland, Teacher Aide, Odessa, MD

 I did some hypnosis with a therapist I was seeing during a workers comp injury claim. I could hardly keep from laughing when he suggested we do what he called inner child work but damned if it didn't help. He didn't have any recordings of his own but recommended one on EBay that he said was really good, and that's how I found Evergreen Professionals. I use it every once in awhile like a booster shot, and my wife has used the track that is for women, just on general purposes. It's a pretty cool experience that we can share and it has helped our relationship.

Ben Horner, retired, Biloxi, MS

   Evergreen Personal Improvement Center has been awarded "Small Business of the year" By the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce for 2003/2004.