Tons of models to choose from.  Pick what you need. 

 SAS-20, SDD-1000, SDD-2000, SG1/1D, SG1/1D Retrofit Kit, SQD-1, SQD-8, Symphonic Piano 80/80s, VC-10, Wavestation A/D, Wavestation SR, WT-12, X3R, X5, X5DR, A1, Concert 15/25/35/45/55, Concert 26/36/46/56/56M, Concert 800/Concert 600, Concert C303/C505, DF-1, DL-50, DP-2000C / DP-3000C, DRV-2000, DTR-1 / DTR-2,  XVP-10 / VP-10

* Note for the SG1/1D Service Manual: manual has some dollar amounts written on one of the back pages; oddly enough, the writing is photocopied on, so it must have come from Korg that way. See photo.