Pro Shrimp's comment: Leave litter is the best source of biofilm in our tanks. Big and small shrimps love to graze on it. Supplying enough leaves improves the number of baby shrimp that get through their first weeks. Leaves are a fantastic holiday food as well. Additionally the tannins have antibacterial properties.

Nano Catappa Leaves

Natural water conditioning and feed supplement

Tropical almond leaves release natural substances to create a quality of aquarium water similar to the natural tropical aquatic habitat while also serving as a natural decorative feature and providing a valuable supplementary source of nutrition. No shrimp aquarium should be without them.

  • For aquarium water similar to the natural tropical aquatic habitat
  • Natural decorative features, encourage natural behaviour
  • Valuable feed supplement for crabs and shrimps

approx. 6.5 x 8.5 cm

12 pcs