6 x Soudal Express Repair Cement

Don’t get the cement mixer out!
Don’t need to get mixing sand and cement!

A high quality filler with granular structure for repairing or filling cracks and joints in concrete, blocks, bricks.

- Very good adhesion on many surfaces in indoor and outdoor applications 
- Very fast curing 
- Does not shrink 
- Paintable


- For the repair of holes and cracks in concrete and cement. 
- For the repair of joints in brickwork 
- Repairing damages in concrete 


We recommend that you cut the nozzle so you have a minimum of a 10mm opening to ensure smooth delivery of this product.

Also standing the tube in hot water will help if the cement is cold

Method: Remove any loose parts before Repair Express Cement to apply.
Apply the sealant with a caulking gun or putty knife into the joint or crack on.
Finish with a wet putty knife or trowel gives the smoothest result.
For large (er) cracks, non-moving joints or large screw holes to apply the product, preferably in twice.
And align the second time the product, depending on the porosity of the substrate, after about 30 minutes. Depending on the amount of material applied to the repair, after a few hours be painted. 
Working Temperature: + 5 ° C to + 30 ° C