I have 2 cone shape bodies red  with black lines an gray spots. I have 3 cone shape bodies green black lines an yellow spots.I have 2 oval bodies black,green, red, yellow spots,I have 2 round blue bodies with red an yellow spots.I have 2 round  yellow bodies with red spots an black lines.I have 2 round green  bodies yellow face an red an yellow spots.I have 2 round red bodies with green face an yellow an green spots.I have 1 round orange body with green face an yellow an red spots.I have 1 round red body with yellow spots.I have 1 cone shape body with black face an green, yellow,with white spots.I have 1 cone shape body with red face an blue,green an white spots, an they all have 6 black legs that wiggle.$ 15.00 for all bugs