1962 The University School annual with great photographs and text showing the students, faculty, activities, sports, candids, graphics, literature, pictures of school and surrounding, and local advertisement.  Seniors each get large individual photos, with list of clubs and accomplishments and on separate pages other personal traits. Great condition, wonderful photos and period design.

Some individually photographed graduating seniors john van de graaf, elisabeth leach, david weisberg, mary hill, david lundell wood, patricia birmingham, william stockard, rosalie morrison, philip angell, susan adams, alexander blain iv, angie bayne, robert davis, martha bicknell, john evans, maria de salles coelo, jonahtan harrington, nancy fisher, walter hirschberg, spanky's archive listing, charlotte flintermann, richard klynn, martha gorey, richard littler, martha howbert, daniel marentette, barbara janis, harold martin, carol ann johnson, thomas harrop miller, sarah keys, james page, penelope langston, stephen parks, judith lomax, danford piggins, marcia macdonald, david rein, susan peabody, edward reizen, meredith reiman, paul sheridan, lynn rosenfeld, jan sodersten, justeine taubey, william clinton wilson, melinda walker, margaret wood, and jeanne worley. ... Photoed juniors include cherie kleinschmit, bill rembacki, jill kraft, otis mckinley, sandy georgeson, dave hughes, sibbey johnson, ken perry, leslie rein, bill hope, susan lenz, joihn golanty, connie parke, john mozena, bruce walker, meg van de graaf, allan blixt, meg hill, jeffrey seyler, marilyn macfarlane, and ralph pressel.  

Excellent condition hardback with tight binding and text and clean pages; with no must or mildew or missing pieces, with mild shelf wear. Solid.

Great rarity giving an historic look at Grosse Pointe Michigan and the promising young women and men at University during the John F. Kennedy years--just waiting for a good home.

Email or call for any details. Spanky's Archive, since 1986. 

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