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Native American Indian Eagle Feather Pewter Necklace (50mm x 10mm)

Native American Indian Eagle Feather Pewter Necklace (50mm x 10mm)

  • £8.95
  • Native American Indian Feather Necklace.
  • Made from pewter with the spirit of Eagle.
  • The Eagle feather is a symbol of the eagle spirit, vision and clarity.

The Eagle feather is a sacred object to the American Indian peoples. No bird flew higher. No bird sees farther. An eagle feather was given to a warrior who performed an act of bravery. Not just any brave action earned brother Eagle's feather. It had to be performed to protect or help one of his fellow warriors, or his tribe. Even today, among Native Americans, the eagle feather is considered so full of medicine, or spirit power, that if one touches the ground or floor it must be purified by a special ceremony by a medicine man or woman. The eagle is the awareness of the people, and its feather holds the energy pf the highest wisdom, the wisdom which puts protection of one's people higher than one's own life.