The work horse of the battery world, our AA batteries are designed for long lasting performance at low drain, high drain and on/off applications. TV Remotes, Flashlights, Cameras, Video Game Controllers, Thermostats… the list of what uses AA batteries is endless! If 12 AA batteries are good, 24 are great right? Buy in bulk and save even more money knowing our Lucas batteries carry a 10-year shelf life guarantee. We take a three step approach to quality. First, We only allow the finest materials in our product. The key to a high quality-long lasting battery is the purity of the electrolyte and the quality of the metals used. Second, we utilize state of the art manufacturing processes to ensure that external seams and internal seals in our final product are as tight and strong as possible. Finally, We individually batch test each manufacturing run in the US to ensure that the quality and performance of our batteries are equal to or better than other brands. Trust Lucas