
eBay Listing Template "Transparent"

NO ACTIVE X CONTENT, Pure HTML and CSS, NO javascript or Flash

As described in the 2016 Spring ebay Seller Update, the use of active content in listings, including JavaScript, Flash, plug-ins and form actions, inhibits purchases on mobile devices and can lead to abuse in the marketplace.

This is our first template without any Active x content. eBay is providing a tools to check your template contain any active x content or not.

Available Colors:

  • black
  • blue
  • red
  • transparent

Available Sizes:

  • M
  • L
  • 16GB
  • 32GB

59.99 $

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Elegant and straight to the point

This is our first template after ebay annouce the changes for 2017 

An extensively equipped animated gallery with up to 8 images and an animated Tab-Bar allow you to draw attention to important features in more detail without flooding the potential customer with information. To support this principle, in addition to the implemented gallery, we have included a space for a brief description. In this way, it is possible to present important part characteristics in an even more compact manner.

For this reason our customers, who are working in the fashion, jewelry and tech industries use "Transparent" to display sizes, qualities or technical details in a precise and clear manner.

Features of "Transparent"

To increase the customer loyalty to your shop we have implemented additional features. There is, for example, a direct price display as well as a "Buy" button integrated into the template itself. In addition, links are possible that will draw your customer's attention to  shop content, or to to special offers.  

In order to facilitate the contact with the dealer, "Transparent" adds contact information and further social media possibilities such as e-mail address, telephone, Website, Facebook, Twitter etc. 

"Transparent" is compatible with the latest versions of Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, and Microsoft Internet Explorer since Version 8.

Responsive Design for tablets & smartphones

The practice of browsing the internet with a smartphone is becoming more and more widespread - thereby becoming more and more important for your e-commerce business. "EvoAuction" effectively addresses this matter with its in-depth technical improvements and its futuristic design.   

The auction template adapts automatically to the screen size of the viewer. For this purpose three different layouts have been designed specifically for desktop computers, tablets and smartphones, thereby ensuring user friendly controls.  This means that your customers don’t have to scroll and zoom all the time, their shopping experience is far more pleasant and that, in turn, raises your sales. 

NO ACTIVE X CONTENT, Pure HTML and CSS, NO javascript or Flash According to ebay 2017 guideline

Please make sure that we keep strictly to the guidelines of eBay, Hand coded HTML, CSS.

The links and articles related links must therefore be maintained manually. However, if you use a corresponding Listing-Tool, these elements can be automated.

Infringements on eBay's rules can lead to the blocking of the seller account. 

Methods of payment

Payment can be made through PayPal. Of course you could add more methods of payments for your customers in this box.

Free delivery as a download access

After the purchase we will send you the e-mail to your e-mail address which eBay has  stored under your name. In this mail you will find a link to your customer area on along with the associated log-in data. Then will be able to download the template and also view the user's manual for the template-designer. 

You will receive a version of this template in which texts and images have been replaced by placeholders. You can then fill these placeholders with your own content. Functional and design enhancements are only possible after an adjustment to the HTML/CSS source code. 

If you are uncertain as to whether or not a particular function can be included using the Template-Designer and without altering the source code (which requires knowledge of computer programming); do not hesitate to contact us.

About a2zdesignstore

Based in New York, USA "a2zdesignstore" has been developing and distributing various tools for e-commerce companies since January 2008.

For more information, please visit our website.

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New York, United Sates, 11432

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