SLUGGISH ACCELERATION? Low on power? AMETECH RESTORER 250ml for 1 litre engines
fills scratches in cylinder walls, piston rings and other friction-producing metal-on-metal surfaces in the engine to lift compression, restore horsepower and torque and improve engine performance. Results after 1000 miles or 20 hours of engine use - more power, more responsiveness, more pull, better acceleration.
What am I buying?

You are buying a 250ml can of Ametech RESTORE Engine Restorer & Lubricant.

A 250ml can of RESTORE will treat an engine size of around 1 litre in an older car with more than 40,000 miles on the clock as a curative treatment, or up to a 2 litre engine in a car with less than 40,000 miles on the clock as a preventative treatment. See below for full details of the benefits to be gained by the use of RESTORE in your engine.

This most amazing remetallizing oil fills in scratches in engine metal with CSL® (copper/lead particles) to reverse wear in friction-producing  surfaces and so alleviate and even cure symptoms of engine wear like:

Hydraulic Tappet Noise (NB: will NOT help manually adjusted  tappets), Blue Smoke and Exhaust Emissions. It will: Restore Compression and power * Reduce High Oil Consumption  * Restore Horsepower and Torque * Restore fuel economy and MPG * Improve cold starting ability * Quieten Noisy  Engines * Reduce stress on engine seals from excessive vibration * Prolong Engine Life * Contribute towards  reducing Global Warming by reducing CO emissions and extending the usable life of old engines * Repair engines in  fishing boats, tractors, bus, truck and construction vehicles without any downtime other than the time it takes to  do an oil change.

Engine Restorer is suitable for use in:

  • Diesel engines*
  • Petrol and hybrid/LPG 4-stroke engines*
  • Petrol rotary engines, e.g. Mazda RX7, RX8
  • Engines with catalytic converters and turbo-chargers
  • In the engines of manual and automatic cars.

* IMPORTANT: Some modern engines utilise the engine oil as a hydraulic fluid, pumping it at high pressure to actuate or regulate other engine functions. These engines do not tolerate dirty degraded oil or particles such as the copper/lead micro-beads (CSL) in Restore oil. For this reason you should avoid using Engine Restorer in the sump of HEUI (Hydraulically Actuated Electronic Unit Injection) diesel engines, VVTi (Variable Valve Timing Intelligent) engines (for example: BMW Vanos and Dual Vanos, BMW/PSA 1.4L and 1.6L Prince engines, Honda VTec, Toyota VVTi, Subaru ACVS, Mitsubishi MIVEC, Fiat 500 (2007 onwards) and Fiat MultiAir etc.), and any other engine which uses high pressure engine oil to control other engine functions.
There are, however, other methods of applying Engine Restorer to VVTi engines to address expensive problems caused by engine wear, other than simply pouring the contents of the can into the engine oil in the crankcase in the usual manner. Restore can be used with Standard VVT systems operated by mechanical means or electrical solenoid. If you are unsure whether Engine Restorer is suitable for your engine, please contact us for clarification.

We recommend Ametech Metal-Tec10 Engine Treatment as an alternative to Restore Engine Restorer for petrol engines with oil pressure actuated variable valve timing systems. Metal-Tec10 (MT-10) is another exceptional product from the USA with a long history and impressive reputation for delivering positive results in engines, gearboxes, transmissions, differentials and power steering. It is compatible with all petrol, diesel and hybrid engines including those with hydraulically actuated VVT (variable valve timing). See listing no. 352690928382 for more information.

Each purchase of Engine Restorer directly from Ametech comes with comprehensive instructions and a guide to  solving engine problems.

Who am I buying from?
Ametech are the UK authorised distributors for RESTORE® products, including Engine Restorer & Lubricant®. 

Since Ametech began trading in 2003, we have built a solid reputation for providing good, honest advice about the suitability of our products and a vast knowledge-base about Engine Restorer  Lubricant and its many applications, gained from our own experiences and those of our customers. All RESTORE products purchased from Ametech are produced in the EU and are formulated specifically for use in European and Japanese cars and therefore comply with all EU controls and guidelines. All RESTORE products sold through Ametech carry a Money Back Guarantee (see our Terms and Conditions) and the backing of the RESTORE Corporation. Be sure to add me to your favourites list  


RESTORE Engine Restorer & Lubricant is a technical and metallurgical breakthrough, developed by an atomic  physicist during the latter part of the 1970's and released onto the market in the USA in 1983. Since then it has  sold over 150 million cans worldwide.

Engine Restorer works by repairing worn engines whilst they are running, preventing expensive downtime, delaying  mechanical repairs and extending engine life. With regular use Engine Restorer restores whatever compression and  power are lost and maintains the engine in top condition for 2 or 3 times its normal life.

Every vehicle's engine wears out as a result of friction during normal operation. This friction causes wear of  the cylinder walls which leads to compression loss. Lost compression results in your engine having less power ---  it runs poorly and has sluggish acceleration. It also can cause increased oil burning, exhaust smoking, and poor  fuel economy.

RESTORE Engine Restorer and Lubricant is a unique engine additive that repairs those worn-out areas in the  cylinder walls thereby restoring cylinder compression and improving engine performance to nearly new original  condition. RESTORE is the only product that contains the proprietary CSL® formula. This technologically advanced  formulation fills in and seals micro-leaks in the cylinder walls. The result is increased engine compression and  more engine power. Independent lab tests prove that RESTORE really works to increase cylinder compression.

Inside each can of RESTORE Engine Restorer & Lubricant is a blue/green oil - a high performance neutral 30W  oil containing detergents and corrosion inhibitors to clean and protect your engine - which holds in suspension  millions of spherical CSL microparticles. Each CSL microparticle contains Lead (40%) dispersed uniformly throughout  a Copper (60%) matrix with Silver (trace). These soft metals have been used in engine metal for over 100 years, so  by using RESTORE you are not introducing any foreign substances to your engine.

It is important to note that RESTORE Engine Restorer & Lubricant does not modify the viscosity  (thickness) or characteristics of the oil to which it is added and does not contain polytetraflouroethylene (PFTE  or Teflon®), zinc dialkyldithiophosphate (ZDDP), chlorinated paraffins or chlorinated hydrocarbons, napthalene,  xylene, acetone, isopropanol, ceramic (asbestos) substances, sulphur compounds, or any other chemicals which could  potentially harm your engine.

Friction and heat cause wear of the cylinder walls inside every car's engine. As a result  of this wear, compression leaks develop between piston rings and cylinder walls. This gradual loss in cylinder  compression results in less engine power, sluggish acceleration, oil burning, exhaust smoking and poor fuel  economy. The same friction causes wear in other metal-on-metal friction-producing surfaces inside the engine too,  resulting in excessive play between reciprocating and rotating components which in turn creates vibration and  oscillation, straining and weakening oil seals and creating rattles and excessive engine noise. 

RESTORE Engine Restorer and Lubricant is a unique engine additive that fills and seals microscopic leaks in  cylinder walls. Each can of RESTORE contains millions of micro-particles of the proprietary formula CSL (Copper  60%, Lead 40%, Silver trace) suspended in a high performance motor oil. Engine Restorer & Lubricant containing  CSL is added to the engine oil and is carried around the engine through the oilways. Wherever the Engine Restorer  passes between two metal-on-metal friction producing surfaces, the friction forces the CSL particles into the  sratches and groove caused by wear. Over the course of the next 1000 miles or so, the CSL microparticles fill, pack  and seal the scratches, making the surfaces good again and restoring compression, power and fuel economy to the  engine. In so doing, it alleviates and cures many of the usual symptoms of engine wear, such as blue smoke and high  oil consumption.

Restore works to increase and balance compression across all cylinders which means a smoother running engine  with more power, less oil burning and better fuel efficiency. RESTORE works effectively wherever friction and wear  cuts scratches in reciprocating and rotating metal surfaces, such as cylinder walls, valve guides, bushings,  bearings, hydraulic tappets and crankshaft. As a result, RESTORE has been known to cure noisy hydraulic tappets and  even fledgling bottom-end knock.

Although RESTORE is added to the motor oil but it is not an oil additive. Why?
Simply, because an oil  additive, by definition, is a product which is added to motor oil in the sump with the intended purpose of  modifying the oil characteristics such as viscosity, detergency, foaming, etc ...
RESTORE is not an oil additive  in this sense. It is rather an engine additive because it acts on the engine itself playing a double role : 

  • The CSL particles fill scratches, grooves and other worn out areas between friction-producing metal surfaces in  the engine.
  • The CSL particles provide maximum natural lubrication due to their high percentage of lead even under very high  temperatures.
The action of RESTORE reduces friction and rebuilds metal surfaces, which in turn restores  lost power and reduces oil & fuel consumption. 

Using RESTORE Engine Restorer & Lubricant gives long-lasting benefits. The repair is 'semi-permanent' in  that the particles become fused into the scratches by the dynamic action (friction and heat) of the engine and so  become part of the metal surface that they have filled. They remain a part of the engine metal until worn away  which, under normal driving conditions, would take about 10-12,000 miles of engine use. So, if you were to change  your engine oil after 3000 miles, or even 6000 miles, you won't lose the benefits of the RESTORE treatment.

PLEASE NOTE as miraculous as its properties may seem, RESTORE cannot repair broken parts. RESTORE is not  a quick-fix for mechanical problems such as bad timing, burnt or broken valves or rings, holed pistons, perished  seals, cracked cylinders, glazed bores, cracked or warped heads or blown head gaskets etc. nor is it a substitute  for regular maintenance i.e. oil and filter changes at the recommended intervals. RESTORE will not work in a sump  full of black sludge blocking the oil pump pickup. RESTORE is a technological innovation that fights the aging  effects of friction and wear. Please obtain a fault diagnosis from a motor technician if you have a problem that  you are looking for RESTORE to fix before you commence a remetallizing treatment so that your expectations for  RESTORE are not unrealistic.

Ametech RESTORE Engine Restorer and Lubricant can be used in all 4 stroke petrol  engines, common rail diesel engines and LPG engines. It is safe for use in turbo-charged engines and with catalytic  converters. Engine Restorer can be used in cars, lorries, agricultural vehicles, construction plant, motorcycles  (see note below about the use of RESTORE in motorcycle engines), marine craft, garden equipment, power tools and  many other appliances. RESTORE is not formulated for use in 2 stroke engines requiring a petrol/oil mix or diesel  engines which pump engine oil at high pressures to operate the diesel injectors (for example, HEUI engines). 

How much Restore oil to use will depend on the size of your engine or the volume of oil held in the sump. For a  first time application we recommend 20-25% of RESTORE to each litre of engine size. For example a 1000cc vehicle  you would need one 250ml can of RESTORE, for a 2 litre engine you would need two 250ml cans and for a 4-5 litre  engine you would need one 1 litre can. If you don't know the engine capacity but know how much oil the engine  holds, use 10% Engine Restorer by volume to the engine oil, e.g. a tractor with a sump capacity of 10 litres would  need 1 litre of RESTORE added to 9 litres of engine oil to give you the total oil capacity of 10 litres. Subsequent  applications should only need half of the initial dosage.

Ametech RESTORE Engine Restorer & Lubricant with CSL® is usually available in 3 cans sizes -  250ml, 400ml and 1 Litre. 

The following chart gives a good idea of the amount to use:

How Much RESTORE to Use
Engine Size (CC) Amount to Use Cans Needed
1000 250ml 1 x 250ml
1200 250ml 1 x 250ml
1400 350ml 1 x 400ml
1600 400ml 1 x 400ml
1800 450ml 1 x 400ml
2000 500ml 2 x 250ml
2200 550ml 2 x 250ml
2400 600ml 1 x 400ml plus 1 x 250ml
2600 650ml 1 x 400ml plus 1 x 250ml
2800 700ml 1 x 400ml plus 1 x 250ml
3000 750ml 3 x 250ml
3200 800ml 2 x 400ml
3400 850ml 2 x 400ml
3600 900ml 1 x 400ml plus 2 x 250ml
3800 950ml 1 x Litre
4000 1000ml 1  x Litre

Add to clean engine oil in a clean engine (for best results, flush the engine first if necessary to remove  sludge, gums and varnishes) and always fit a new filter. RESTORE is compatible with any standard mineral, semi- synthetic or synthetic motor oil, providing there are no friction-reducers (like chlorine, Teflon, PTFE or Moly) in  the oil e.g. Slick 50, Prolong, Activ8, Motorup, STP and Wynn’s friction-reducers. Although RESTORE is compatible  with the new range of ester based oils such as Castrol Magnatec, or racing oils like Silkolene R, these will slow  down the Engine RESTORE treatment considerably as they contain positively charged particles which polarize metals  and so prevent the CSL particles from adhering to the worn metal. If you have had friction-reducers or other oil  additives in your engine recently, it’s best to flush the engine before using RESTORE. However, once RESTORE has  worked its magic you can go back to your normal additive if you wish.

If your motorcycle has a 4 stroke engine and separate oil reservoirs  for the engine and gearbox (i.e. a mechanical clutch) then you can use RESTORE Engine Restorer & Lubricant in  the conventional manner by adding it directly to the engine oil in the sump. However, if your bike has a wet  clutch, i.e. the engine and gearbox share the same oil, you should NOT add RESTORE to the engine oil, because it  would go through the clutch and make the clutch pack slip. 

If you have a wear-related engine problem in a bike with a wet clutch and would like to give RESTORE a try  before going down the road to a mechanical repair, please call us. There are different methods of  applying Engine Restorer, depending on the type of problem you are trying to cure, but we should still be able to  help.

Delivery to UK Postcodes

UK  Economy delivery covers delivery to most areas of the UK  and is provided in most cases by MyHermes courier service.  This is an estimated 3-5 working day delivery service,  although this is not guaranteed. Where MyHermes does not  service a particular postcode in the UK we will employ an  alternative carrier to ship your parcel.

UK  Standard Delivery (1-2 working days*) and Express Delivery  (Next working Day*) will usually be provided by UKMail  courier service, but occasionally we may use DHL.  Some  postcodes in the UK are classed as remote and Express  Delivery carriers increase their shipping charges  accordingly. The postcodes that carry these higher charges  are shown below:

KW1, KW2,  KW3, KW4, KW5, KW6, KW7, KW8, KW9, KW10, KW11, KW12, KW13,  KW14, KW15, KW16, KW17, PA20, PA21, PA22, PA23, PA24, PA25,  PA26, PA27, PA28, PA29, PA30, PA31, PA32, PA33, PA34, PA35,  PA36, PA37, PA38, PA41, PA42, PA43, PA44, PA45, PA46, PA47,  PA48, PA49, PA60, PA61, PA62, PA63, PA64, PA65, PA66, PA67,  PA68, PA69, PA70, PA71, PA72, PA73, PA74, PA75, PA76, PA77,  PA78, PH4, PH5, PH6, PH7, PH8, PH9, PH10, PH11, PH12, PH13,  PH14, PH15, PH16, PH17, PH18, PH19, PH20, PH21, PH22, PH23,  PH24, PH25, PH26, PH27, PH28, PH29, PH30, PH31, PH32, PH33,  PH34, PH35, PH36, PH37, PH38, PH39, PH40, PH41, PH42, PH43,  PH44, PH49, PH50, BT, HS, ZE, IM, GY, JE, IV1, IV2, IV3,  IV4, IV5, IV6, IV7, IV8, IV9, IV10, IV11, IV12, IV13, IV14,  IV15, IV16, V17, IV18, IV19, IV20, IV21, IV22, IV23, IV24,  IV25, IV26, IV27, IV28, IV30, IV31, IV32, IV36, IV40, IV41,  IV42, IV43, IV44, IV45, IV46, IV47, IV48, IV49, IV51, IV52,  IV53, IV54, IV55, IV56, IV63, KA27, KA28, AB31, AB32, AB33,  AB34, AB35, AB36, AB37, AB38, AB40, AB41, AB42, AB43, AB45,  AB46, AB47, AB48, AB49, AB50, AB51, AB52, AB53, AB54, AB55,  AB56, TR21, TR25, PO30, PO31, PO32, PO33, PO34, PO35, PO36,  PO37, PO38, PO39, PO40, PO41.

The delivery  charges for most UK postcodes are programmed into eBay and a  shipping quote obtained by entering your postcode. However,  some postcodes in Northern Scotland (other than Highlands or  Islands) do not register on the eBay system as remote and  quote only the normal shipping rate for the rest of the UK.  If your delivery address falls within one of the  postcodes above, the shipping charge for Standard Delivery  (1-2 working days*) will be £20 and for Express Delivery  (Next working Day*) will be £30. If you wish to pay the  extra charge to have your item shipping by Standard or  Express Delivery, please contact us prior to purchase so we  can arrange to invoice you accordingly. If you have already  completed your purchase and paid only the normal additional  shipping charge for Standard or Express Delivery for rest of  UK, your parcel will be sent by Economy Delivery and any  over-payment in postage refunded.

*delivery to some remote areas, e.g. Scottish Highlands  & Islands, may take 1-2 days longer.

Delivery to International  Destinations

We are happy  to deliver to most international destinations, but because  some destinations carry remote surcharges, the prices for  delivery on our listings are indications only based on  current non-rural, non-remote prices. We will send you a  message before shipping if the actual shipping cost exceeds  those figures quoted, giving you the option to either pay  any extra charges due or cancel the order. If you would like  a firm quotation for delivery cost prior to purchase, please  email or message us with your Country, Town and Postcode to  enable us to obtain shipping quotes from our  carriers.