Photos are current as of 4-3-24, transactions will happen that will obviously change what you see in the photos but I wanted to post some photos so you can see some of the players I have in the update

This listing is for my most up to date version of the roster update delivered to you on a PS2 memory card!

Here is a Hype Video for the 2020 MVP roster update if you wanted a sneak peak of the product from the year, just to give you an idea of what it is all about:

Below is some feedback from guys who bought Roster Updates in the past:

US $48.00
Past month
US $27.00
Past 6 months

US $27.00
Past 6 months

US $27.00
Past year

US $36.00
Past year

I put up a youtube video for you guys so you can get a look at the rosters and hear me yammer on about them for about 15 minutes, here is the link:

Here is my channel itself, you can see that video as well as player rating update videos I have done, any requests, watch the videos I have done and message me here or there with requests:

Going forward this is what will happen with the rosters:

Now - Infinity:  When anyone buys an update the rosters will be updated before they are shipped out to ensure that they are as accurate as possible

All-Star Break - Mass overhaul of player ratings for players at all levels

After the trade deadline - Another overhaul to take out free agents and add in prospects from the draft

After the season ends - More ratings updates based on 2nd half (and full season) performance

I do complete ratings updates and splits for guys who have the requisite AB's this year (July / August project), I like to wait until guys have about 300 (or more) total AB's in a given season before I do full on updates for them. This gives me a lot of data to work with and prevents me from over rating a guy.  Additionally, I do the same for pitchers when they hit 100 IP (for starters) and 50 IP (for relievers).  

Here is some more information about how I did the updates and what you will get:

When I first put these out last year I had all the retired pitchers at 1 for stamina just to try to get them to retire faster, what I found was two things, 1) they linger, they won't retire which theoretically, if they would, should put more pitchers in the draft, that wasn't happening fast enough though and 2) when I went to the next season in my own dynasty there was an absence of pitching at Single A which allowed the batters to post crazy numbers.  Some guys were hitting 100 home runs, this was in all three Single A leagues, so what I did was to add at least 3 retired guys for each team at each level AAA / AA / A, (I refer to them as 'scrubs.'  With these scrubs they will all have a stamina of 25 and all have a 90 MPH fastball with 50 control plus one other pitch also having 50 control, I like to keep it uniform.  What this does is when you go to the next season there will be some pitching at the A level with these scrubs so if you like more realism like I do then this is something you will like, even if you really don't even care much about it, it's still more realistic stats wise. 

For the price you will get the rosters sent to you via first class mail on an 64 MB memory card, the cards are cheaper one's, they are those generic one's from overseas but they work fine. 

If you have your own card I can do it that way and if you have AR Max and want that I have an auction up for that, here is the # 262273442524

These are not 100% in terms of the players in the game at the AAA / AA / A levels because we can only do so much since the game is so old.  As long as you know and understand the limitations of the rosters you will really find them to be playable and accurate.  At AAA I would estimate that there are about 20 guys per team that are actual players, at AA it's 20 and in A it's full of old players who have long since retired, I lowered their skill levels to ensure that the retire quickly though.  Last season I had spread out the players to have some guys in A ball but what I decided to do this season was bump everyone up to AA and AAA so in A ball you will find mostly 'scrub' pitchers.  This is beneficial when you go into season 2 of your dynasty / owner mode as there will be pitching to face drafted hitters.  Most teams have between 60 and 70 guys (the average per team is 66).  That is of course fluid based on trades and other signings that happen during the season.

One last note - If you have a favorite team and want that list just message me to see who I have on that team and I will send you that team so you can decide for yourself if it's worth you buying it rather than there being a mystery to it like with the other sellers.  With the others you don't really know what you are getting and when it arrives it has to be a disappointment, I am taking the mystery out of it for you all so when it comes you will know exactly what you are getting.