Amber, a mysterious jewel of nature valued as highly as silver. Attractive to wear, lightly perfumed, it traveled along the Caravan route and was traded in the marketplace. The many faces of amber, as a jewel, incense and currency, mean those born under the Wealth of Amber have multi-faceted personalities. Their personality is ablaze with emotions with a great deal of respect for what is original and provocative. Yet those of the sign Amber have an ability to put aside the distractions of the sensual world and focus on the task at hand. This is a lead-free pewter necklace of CREAM-COLORED leather attached to what looks like a thorn bush. It makes me think of how Africa and her indigenous peoples lived…beautiful but harsh. Size is 1 1/8” x 2” strung on a leather cord. The front is pressed with a design and the back has the English translation. Necklace is mounted on a card with above description.