Powerful Chirmi / Gunja Beads

In this deal I am offering 11 seeds of each colour. Total 33 seeds.


Please handle the seeds with great care.

These seeds are extraordinary, rare & are capable in fulfiling your wishes. They are gift of nature and are extremely powerful.

(for serious buyers only)

Chirmi Beads are considered very lucky and have been used from ancient ages in tantric rituals/practices to attain protection, wisdom, wealth and attracting supernatural powers. These are seeds found in the dense forests of Aravali Mountains in India. They grow on trees which are many thousand years old. It takes them a few hundred years to grow/mature is why they are very rare & not easy to find.


Chirmi beads are available in 3 colors Black White Red

Black chirmi represents goddess Mahakali and is used for protection against ones fear, enemy, ghosts, black magic etc.

It can be kept safely with you at all time or in any place/area of concern. They bring luck and ward off evil spirits, bad energies, black Magic, danger & protects the possessor from physical harm by taking the abuse upon themselves. These seeds are considered very powerful.


Red chirmi represents goddess Mahalakshmi and is used for attracting wealth, prosperity & good luck. The energy residing in these beads will start to work on warding off poverty/miseries from one life simply by just possessing them. These can be carried with you at all times, placed in a locker or safe where money is stored, office, shop counter etc.


White chirmi beads represents Saraswati the goddess of knowledge, music, arts, wisdom, learning, peace and harmony. Possessing the white seeds helps one in attaining wisdom, understanding sounds/language of nature, encourages new thoughts and ideas in whatever field one is studying, boosts up concentration level, helps a yogi in meditation, awakening the third eye etc.

These beads can be kept in Study Room, Children's bedroom, Temple, Altar.


How to use:

After a shower in the morning, before eating or drinking,

1) Sit down and place seeds on a clean table red bead on small red cloth, white beads on white cloth & black on a black cloth.

2) Ensuring there is no disturbance around you, gaze at the seeds for a minute or so. In your mind, tell the seeds that you are now its owner and request them what you want them to do for you

3) Carefully wrap the seeds in the cloth, place it in your left palm and rest your right palm on top. Observe the magnetic energy flowing from the seeds into your hands with eyes closed for 5 mins

4) Place the wrapped seeds in any area of concern or you can keep it with you at all times.

Step 3 can be practiced as many times.

These seeds are naturally energised so there's really not much you need to do with them other than telling it what you want from it and placing it in any area of concern until it has served your purpose.


100% Genuine Guaranteed

Keep out of reach of children

Not for consumption