Nash Baits Scopex Squid Bait Range

Stabilised Boilies
Nashbait have continued to supply Scopex Squid to top anglers under the radar to this day. With the increased production capacity of the Nashbait factory Scopex Squid is being made available again to tens of thousands of carp anglers who have never had the opportunity to use it.
Many of the flagship fisheries of today that contain the most desirable, difficult carp have never seen Scopex Squid because the bait is older than the 40 and 50-pounders they contain – what an edge! Even pressured carp never stop eating or getting caught on Scopex Squid, it is quite simply one of the most remarkable baits ever.

Stabilised Flake
Scope Squid Flake is produced from rolled and boiled baits taken through an exclusive milling and cutting process to create irregular 1-2mm ‘flakes’ that spread a food signal widely using minimal feed. Even small quantities encourage prolonged feeding.
Perfect over weed and silt, a brilliant PVA bag additive and adds a deadly cloud to spod mixes and groundbaits. Cultured® Hookbaits or balanced Scopex squid fished over Flake have proven deadly.

Feed Pellet
Brilliant all season carpet feed that prolongs feeding and maximises the attraction in a swim to increase the chances of action. Available in 2mm or 6mm. 1kg Bags

Hard Ons
Toughened Scopex Squid hookbaits, essential for overcoming nuisance species and allowing rigs to be left in position for long periods with confidence.

Cultured Hookbaits
Layered with the unique Nashbait living Culture infused with the famous Scopex Squid attractors, Cultured Hookbait performance is now available to all.
Based on balanced 15 and 20mm core hookbaits the Culture skin breaks down slowly to release a nature identical feeding signal rich in amino acids and nucleotides, with a track record for catching the very biggest carp and quickly!

Cultured Stick Mix
A pre-moistened stick and bag mix that needs no additional liquid, Scopex Squid Cultured® Stick Mix can be compressed straight from the bag, and contains the same powerful feeding triggers as the living skin of the Scopex Squid Cultured® Hookbaits. Cultured® Stick Mixes contain only fine particles, improving breakdown, attractor leak off and preventing hook points being masked or blunted.

Liquid Bait Soak
The lingering Scopex based attractor package used in Scopex Squid in a PVA friendly concentrated food dip designed for both long and short term soaking of both free offerings and hookbaits for more takes and faster action.
Use as a PVA bag dip, stick mix liquid or to splash on to pellet mixes. Effective in all temperatures and with unlimited application. PVA Friendly.

Stick Mix
Using carefully adjusted levels of the powerful Nashbait Squid Extract for optimum pulling power Scopex Squid Stick Mix uses the inherent attraction of the Squid base mix with selected highly soluble food ingredients that break down fast to release a feeding signal widely around the hookbait. For best results mix with a PVA friendly food liquid, such as the dedicated Scopex Squid Liquid Bait Soak. Scopex Squid Stick Mix also makes a great groundbait and Method Mix additive. Supplied in 1kg bags.

Airball Pop Ups
Using the same dedicated liquid blend as the frozen and shelf-life Scopex Squid boilies, carefully colour matched and with improved buoyancy for more effective chod rig and jointed stiff link presentations.
Needle friendly Scopex Squid Airballs constantly release attractors whilst retaining their buoyancy and balance even when left out for long periods. Available in 10mm, 15 and 20mm. Available in Pink, Yellow and White.

Perfect slow sinking hookbaits to offset the weight of the hook when tackling rig shy carp.
Using a carefully calculated ratio of Nashbait’s Airball mix blended with base mix and elevated liquid additives, Wafters offer presentation options that trip up pressured carp. Needle friendly, colour matched to the free offerings, when mounted on a hair Wafters sink more slowly than bottom baits out the bag, ensuring they act like safe free offerings, without the additional tell tale weight of a hook. As the size of the Wafter hookbait increases, its relative buoyancy is also increased to offset the weight of the larger hook required. 

Hook size guide: 12mm Wafters 8-10, 15mm Wafters 6-8, 20mm Wafters 4-6, 24mm Wafters 2-4

Hookbait Kits
From cork ball pop ups to custom bottom baits the Hookbait Kit is the answer for those important edges for difficult carp
Making your own hookbaits is a serious edge, Hookbait Kits combined with the Nashbait Liquids and Additives range allow you to make wicked pop ups, balanced baits and special bottom baits that will catch more carp, especially when the fishing is hard.
The base mix in the Hookbait Kits uses additional hardeners to create perfect skins around cork ball pop ups or extra durable bottom baits that can be left out for long periods. They come with the exact same liquid blend used to make the feed boilies for each Nashbait recipe. As well as changing the levels of the same attractors you can also make hookbaits that include additional additives for a twist, high attract baits using liquid and powdered attractors instead of bright colours. A carp’s sense of smell is better than its sight and if they go near the hookbait they often home in on it and pick it up first.