Sorry we DO NOT sell COMMERCIAL honeys (CHEAPPLY sold in supermarkets and online too). We believe Honey is only beneficial when it is RAW and produced by bees according to old traditional method. 


NO Chemicals

NO Antibiotics

NO Sprays



So what is Raw Honey then? 

Well Raw honey is honey that has been cold extracted and not pasteurised. Raw Honey is only ever warmed gently to a maximum of 35-40 degrees before being jared. This preserves all its natural beneficial qualities that are present in real honey. Unfortunately a lot of honey that is available commercially has been pasteurised, blended with other honeys and in some cases even mixed with other substances such as refined sugars. This is not the case with our Raw  Honey.

In simple words

Raw honey is 

    • ·         Unpasteurised & Raw 
    • ·         Free from pesticides and herbicides
    • ·         Produced from pristine organic environments
    • ·         'Wildly Crafted' from unpolluted natural landscapes
    • ·         Ethically harvested
    • ·         Generations of expert beekeepers keeping the tradition of ecological harvesting
    • ·         Traditional health methods to treat the bees. Free from antibiotics
    • ·         No added sugar
    • ·         Traceable to source


Commercial Honey Versus Raw Natural Honey

Believe it or not, not all honey was created equal. When you are grocery shopping, you may not realize that you may be losing out by buying fake honey. Bee pollen is considered to be one of nature’s best and most nourishing foods. It’s packed with protein that is combined with amino acids that can be easily used by your body. In Chinese medicine, bee pollen is used to improve unbalanced nutrition, vitality, longevity, energy, etc. Bee pollen is also used for weight control, health, beauty, allergies, anti-aging and more. All of these qualities are lost with the removal of bee pollen. Regular honey does not contain bee pollen.

Commercial Honey

Raw Honey

·       Contains little to no pollen

·       May contain antibiotics

·       Main ingredient: High Fructose Corn Syrup

·       HFCS is commonly derived from GMO corn

·       HFCS has been linked to diabetes, obesity, hypertension & liver damage

·       HFCS leads to plaque buildup & narrowing of blood vessels

·       All vitamins, nutrients, and enzymes intact

·       Anti-viral and anti-fungal properties

·       Contains powerful antioxidants

·       Helps ward off allergies

·       Helps stabilize blood pressure and balance blood sugar levels

·       Boosts immune function

·       Helps heal skin conditions

·       Promotes digestive health


Crystallized Honey:

For some reason, there is a perception that honey that crystallizes has “gone bad” or that it is a sign of contamination. No! It’s actually a sign of high quality honey. Three things make honey more likely to crystallize:


1.   Temperature

2.   The ratio of glucose and fructose in the honey

3.   Pollen


Don’t throw your crystallized honey out, unless you like to waste delicious food. Crystallized honey is delicious in tea, on yogurt, on a toasted bagel, and on oatmeal. 


Some useful information and benefits of  each Raw Organic Honey:

Raw Oak honey has a strong but not overwhelming flavour and is higher in antioxidants than lighter honeys. Raw Oak honey is high in oligosaccharides.

Do you know Raw Oak Honey is:

  • High in antioxidants
  • Aids digestion 
  • Boost Immune System 

This batch is runny.

Raw Chestnut honey has been tested and found to have the highest level of minerals of all honeys. Chestnut honey has a strong aromatic taste and a slightly bitter after taste. Rich in pollen content, mineral salts and tannin, with a high proportion of fructose that resists crystallization and a relatively low acidity. Dark in colour, ranging from yellowish brown to almost black.

Do you know Raw Chestnut Honey is:

  • High in antioxidants
  • Good for digestion 
  • High in minerals
  • Treatment for acne 
  • Treatment for difficult coughs

This batch is Runny.

Raw Multifloral Honey is often called wildflower honey; this is both the most common type of honey and also the rarest. Because it is composed of nectar from flowers blossoming at a particular period of time in a particular place, it is essentially impossible to reproduce it exactly from year to year. 

Do you know Raw Multifloral Honey is:

  • Anti Flu 
  • Helps avoid bronchitis 
  • Aids digestion

This batch is Runny (we have some semi set Multifloral too)

Raw Eucalyptus Honey amongst the array of honey products, have you tried Eucalyptus honey before? Besides its very distinct taste and aroma, what makes it so special is its host of health benefits. The health benefits of the eucalyptus honey are many - anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, decongestant, deodorant, antiseptic, antibacterial, and stimulating. In fact I first started reading up Eucalyptus honey after a salesman tried to sell his bottles of Eucalyptus honey at a fleamarket and taught me how to use it as an expectorant for mild coughs and colds. Besides being a good natural remedy for respiratory problems, Eucalyptus honey is a good antiseptic owing to its germicidal properties. On its exposure to air, ozone is formed which is a well-known antiseptic. Hence Eucalyptus honey is used for healing wounds, ulcers, burns, cuts, abrasions and sores. It is also effective on insect bites and stings. It is often recommended to patients suffering from rheumatism, lumbago, sprained ligaments and tendons, stiff muscles, aches, fibrosis and even nerve pain. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory Eucalyptus honey is massaged on the skin surface in circular motion to help relieve muscle and joint pains.

This batch is runny

Raw Mountain Honey starts with a dark, black tea tannin-like foretaste, easing into a very sweet and delicious main taste.  It has caramel notes coming in around an essence of deep, black raisins and prunes, leaving a slightly ferrous tingle on the tongue.

The strong overall flavour makes it perfect for those who love dark, strong honeys.

This batch is Runny

*Raw Honey is not suitable for children under the age of 1

Delivery Times - We aim to dispatch goods within 1 working days from date of order. However, we cannot be held liable for any delays due to circumstances beyond our control. Our couriers deliver between 8am – 8pm Monday to Saturday.


Delivery Terms - Goods are dispatched via courier service or an independent haulier and usually a signature is required upon delivery. However, goods can be left as instructed at time of order at the owner’s risk. Goods left will be the buyer’s responsibility.


Claims - Shortages or breakages apparent at the time of delivery must be digitally photographed and reported to us within 2 working days upon receipt of goods.


 Enjoy Your Raw Honey ethically sourced by The Raw Honey Store ltd