Extra Virgin Olive Oil Infused  with  Calendula
Organic • Expeller Pressed • Unrefined

This is slow infused with no added heat  infusing time is 6 weeks this feels so awesome on your face!!

Extra virgin olive oil is loaded with nutrition and antioxidants like vitamins A and E. While this oil packs a nutritional punch, you can also use it on your face. The same qualities and benefits you experience on the inside can benefit your skin. This little fruit’s versatility lends itself well to more than one use, so buy a small bottle and put it in your bathroom right next to your toothpaste and deodorant.


Extra virgin olive oil penetrates deep into the skin on your face, providing needed moisture as well as a shield to protect your skin, keeping it smooth, according to the Olive Oil Source website.

Olive oil's antioxidants--vitamins A and E--can help repair skin damage from sun exposure, cigarette smoke and pollutants.

Olive Oil Source recommends that, when you use olive oil as a moisturizer, you massage it into skin that’s still slightly damp so that the remaining water on your skin can help keep your skin from feeling greasy.Aside from stimulating healing, calendula oil can significantly boost the appearance of your skin. It can affect blood flow to the skin cells, provide antioxidant protection that reduces the appearance of wrinkles and ages spots, and even the visibility of scars. If you want smooth, even-toned skin that glows with youthful vitality, consider adding some organic products that contain calendula .

Skin Care

Aside from stimulating healing, calendula oil can significantly boost the appearance of your skin. It can affect blood flow to the skin cells, provide antioxidant protection that reduces the appearance of wrinkles and ages spots, and even the visibility of scars. If you want smooth, even-toned skin that glows with youthful vitality, consider adding some organic products that contain calendula .