100g of ZEORocks Anti-Ageing & Detoxifying Skin Care Mineral Refill/Exchange for Anion Shower Heads
exclusive to ClearOFF Minerals.

Superfine powerful jets of Zeolite infused and filtered water combine to create a sensational anti-ageing and detoxifying shower experience.

Package Includes:
100g of Anti-Ageing ZEORocks. Our ZEORocks are small pieces of the mineral Clinoptilolite, a naturally occurring form of Zeolite which possesses some amazing age defying properties.

What is Zeolite?
First formed more than 300 million years ago, Zeolite is a mineral mostly made up of silica (the third most abundant trace element in the human body) and alumina tetrahedra. There are many natural variations, each one unique to its environment. Some formed when volcanic rocks and ash reacted with seawater; others are freshwater variations. In Australia, for example, zeolite is also known as Clinoptilolite and is thought to be one of the oldest deposits of its kind in the world.

Why should I use it?
Despite so many of our best efforts, it's nearly impossible to live a totally and completely clean life. Toxins and pollutants find ways to sneak into our skin and bodies, so it's crucial to find a safe, natural way to detox them right back out again. That's where Zeolite comes in.

Like so many other volcanic substances, zeolite is a master of detoxification. It has an extraordinary ability to absorb, hold, release, and exchange different chemicals, nutrients, toxins, and ions according to need in your body. Much like activated charcoal, it helps to draw out impurities in your skin and is even being studied as a way to reduce and stop the growth of skin cancer in dogs through topical application.

How does it work?
Zeolite is unique in that its honeycomb, micro porous cellular structure is one of nature's few negatively charged minerals, which means it's able to attract positively charged contaminants. Inside these negatively charged honeycomb "cages," healthful minerals such as potassium can be found. Zeolite swaps its healthful, negatively charged minerals for any positively charged contaminants on or in your body. Basically, it takes away the bad stuff by replacing it with good stuff.

Since your body doesn't absorb the zeolite, the pollutants it sucks up are safely removed when you wash it off your skin!

What should I look for?
Now that you know why adding zeolite to your skin care routine is beneficial, there are a few things to keep in mind when looking for products. It's incredibly important that you're buying only high-quality Zeolite (preferably Clinoptilolite) that's at least 90% percent pure. Zeolite is sourced from the earth and needs to be separated from other naturally occurring minerals that aren't so good for your health. You don't want commercial-grade Zeolite, as it's probably not natural or pure and may contain unknown contaminants.

It is recommended that you first rinse your ZEORocks in cold water prior to placing them in your Anion Shower Chamber(s) to remove any small particles that could clog the jets. Replace the ZEORocks every 10,000 litres or once every 3-4 months.

Thank you for looking!