You are looking at 1 (one) replica RANDOM NUMBER , EMBOSSED, JAPANESE LICENSE PLATE.  COLOR IS BLACK TEXT ON A WHITE PLATE. Now you can have an accurate replica of the standard Japanese license plate measuring 13" x  6.5" which is the standard Japanese size and bigger than the American plate at a fraction of the cost. 

We have made these plates WITH MOUNTING HOLES so you do not have to go through the headache and trouble of installing the holes. It can be  installed in seconds! Compatible with most American vehicles.

NOTICE: These numbers are DO NOT get to pick your numbers or year. We will send you a random number which may or may not be one that is displayed in the photos shown. If ordering more than one plate the numbers may or may  not be all the same.

These plates are EMBOSSED....that means they are STAMPED OUT, not flat. 

  • measures 13" X 6.5" like authentic Japanese plates
  • made of aluminum / will not rust
  • pre punched mounting holes sized to fit cars in America
  • EMBOSSED border and text

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