Beaumontia Grandiflora Vine
Also known as the Easter Lily or Heralds Trumpet

Beaumontia is a genus of 9 species of evergreen woody vines from the East Indies and Asia. Pictures cannot even begin to describe how beautiful a mature Beaumontia is in full bloom. In late spring to early fall appear the terminal clusters of large (3-6 inch long by 4 inches wide) fragrant white flowers that are trumpet-shaped and resemble an Easter Lily. A vigorous climber that can reach to 30 feet tall or more and as wide if a strong support is available. If support is not an option, it can grow into a large shrub. Very large lush tropical leaves can reach 9 inches long and are a glossy green color with prominent veins and new growth has attractive brownish hairs. It can be potted but will not bloom as well as it would if it were planted in the ground and allowed to get of good size. It prefers full sun to partial sun, moderate water requirements, and well draining soil.
It can tolerate a light frost for short periods but it is better to protect it if the temperature goes below freezing.

This offer is for 10 seeds.

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Most specialty seeds we offer are NOT fast to germinate.

Many take several weeks, months, and some even up towards a year depending on dormancy, region, season etc. It is important that the buyer understands that seeds are perishable products and seed germination can be adversely affected by such factors as mold/fungus, bugs, temperature, moisture content, light intensity, dormancy, care, contamination of planting media among many other reasons. These factors are totally out of The Plant Attraction's control and are the buyer's responsibility and risk. Germination recommendations are sent with each order and the buyer is free to research and use their own methods. Floating seeds do not always indicate that the seed is not viable. Many times it is a misconception because the seed does not have the density to sink in water. Accordingly, The Plant Attraction does not guarantee seeds to perform properly regardless of conditions or buyer's methods or mistakes. Since 2006 we have been doing our best to hand sort and provide the freshest, cleanest harvest that is free of defects and bugs.