Please note: this is an advanced build! If you do not feel comfortable with the difficulty level, please consider purchasing a completed unit.

The MST VCO is a 100% analog 6-octave 1V/O trackable precision oscillator with full pulse width and modulation controls and with 5 waveform outputs.

  • Coarse and Fine tuning controls
  • Manual and CV controlled PWM (pulse width modulation)
  • 3-octave selector switch
  • Temperature compensated
  • 2 Modulation inputs; MOD1 can be attenuated with MOD 1 AMT knob
  • Pulse Width Modulation input which can be attenuated
  • 1V/O adjustment trimmer for making adjustments
  • 1V/O CV input jack
  • 5 waveform outputs (can be used simultaneously): Sine, Triangle, Sawtooth, Sawtooth +1 octave, Square
  • Frequency range: 2Hz-14.39 Khz (Sawtooth +1: 28.77 Khz)
  • Polarity protection

  • Current draw: 45.9mA on +12V; 46.3mA on -12V
  • Width: 10HP
  • Module depth: 1 7/16 inches (3.7 cm)