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This product, with the contents of 25 billion essential bacteria, is used as a product that alleviates the negative effects of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, and it can also be used as a probiotic product in every respect and can therefore be used to stimulate the cellular and hormonal immune system in addition to the balance of the intestinal flora and its proper functioning.


The bacteria Helicobacter pylori live in the stomach of half the people and maybe more. This insight is relatively new, and at first, they scoffed at it. Why would any creature ever want to live in such an unfriendly environment-a cave full of acids and enzymes whose sole purpose was to tear it apart? The thing is that more is needed to deter a creature like Helicobacter pylori. This bacterium has developed two strategies that allow it to cope well with such a hostile environment.

First, its metabolic products are so basic that they can neutralize any acid in its environment immediately. Second, it burrows under the mucous membrane protecting the stomach so that it does not digest itself as a result of its acidic juices. Under normal conditions, this membrane is in a jelly state, but the Helicobacter can liquefy it, thus allowing it to swim more freely in the protective layer of the stomach.

Until a few years ago, researchers believed that gastric ulcers and ulcers were originally psychosomatic or caused by excessive secretion of acid in the stomach. This prejudice was based on the fact that a living thing can not survive in the acidic environment of the stomach, Diseases that have traditionally not been considered a result of bacterial infection. Until then, it was believed that bacteria could contaminate only wounds and cause heat and colds. Only in the 1990s did the world of science receive the discovery that the bacterium Helicobacter is indeed the cause of the disease.

Helicobacter bacteria have lived in human beings for more than 50,000 years, and have evolved in parallel with us. So far six strains of the bacterium have been identified. As the human population groups moved away from each other in space and time, the difference between their stomach bacteria grew.

Today, some Helicobacter bacteria are known to be more dangerous than other bacteria. The researchers found that there were two factors responsible for the more violent type of Helicobacter. One of them is called CagA and it allows bacteria to inject certain substances into our cells as a tiny syringe. The second cause is called VacA and it stabs and pierces the stomach cells and causes them damage that eventually leads to their deaths. The risk of gastric problems is much higher if the Helicobacter bacteria present within it appear in the tiny syringe or have been used to pierce gastric cells. In the absence of these genes, the Helicobacter is much less harmful when it is cruised in the stomach.

Although there are many similarities between them, each Helicobacter bacteria has unique properties just like the person carrying it. These bacteria always adapt to those who carry them and change with them. Scientists can take advantage of this feature to check who caught up with the bacterium.

The important question that arises is whether the Helicobacter bacteria is good or bad?

When the Helicobacter bacteria infiltrates the mucous membrane of our stomach, it weakens that protective layer. As a result, acidic gastric juices absorb not only the food but also a little of the stomach itself. If the bacteria are equipped with either the injection gene or the cell destruction gene, the stomach cells will not have much hope. About a fifth of those carrying the Helicobacter bacteria develop small lesions in the lining of the stomach, and about two-thirds of the stomach ulcers and almost all of the ulcers in the small intestine are caused by infection with this bacteria. If the bacteria are removed with antibiotics, the patient's stomach problems disappear. Better yet, it may be treated with a new material, which may be able to provide an alternative to antibiotics, called sulphurpen, which is extracted from broccoli and similar vegetables, and is able to block the enzyme used by the glycoprotein to neutralize gastric acid. If you want to try solforphen, make sure it is produced from high-quality broccoli.

Continuous stimulation is never a good thing. We all know this from insect bites. If the prick does not stop at a certain point, we lose patience and control with our fingers, scratching and scratching even at the cost of the skin injury. Chronic inflammation means constant stimulation of the cells until eventually they surrender and break down. In elderly people, it can also cause loss of appetite.

The stomach is equipped with stem cells that constantly replace those that have been lost. The problem is that if the load on these spare parts manufacturers is too large, they can make mistakes, and the result of these errors is cancer cells. About one percent of the people carrying the Helicobacter bacteria will develop gastric cancer. It may seem that this figure does not seem serious at first glance, but if we remember that half of humanity carries the bacteria in the stomach, this one percent becomes a frightening number. The probability of developing gastric cancer without the presence of the Helicobacter is 40 times smaller.

It took a great deal of effort to get the link between the Helicobacter and Parkinson's disease exposed. True, as early as the 1960s, doctors knew that Parkinson's patients had a high incidence of gastric problems, but they had no idea of the nature of the connection between the infected stomach and trembling hands. For this purpose, research in population groups is required

Different islands in Guam to shed light on the subject.

In some parts of the island, the population had an astonishingly high incidence of Parkinson's-like syndromes: trembling hands, facial stasis and motion problems. Researchers found that this syndrome was very common in areas where the population's diet included cycad seeds. These seeds contain neurotoxins - substances that cause nerve damage. The Helicobacter pylori is capable of producing similar material.

In summary, we can say that the Helicobacter pylori bacteria can fool our defense barriers. It can also irritate and even destroy our stomach cells, producing toxins that cause damage to the entire body. So the questions are asked: 

How was our vulnerable body so successful in surviving thousands of years of infection with this bacterium? 

Why has our immune system with these bacteria been so long?

An extensive study of the Helicobacter bacteria and their effects has reached the following conclusion: The bacteria, and especially the frightening species of the gene that gives it the ability to inject cells, can also act in ways that benefit humans. After 12 years of observations in more than 10,000 participants, the researchers concluded that carriers of this type of Helicobacter are indeed more exposed to stomach cancer. But the risk of dying from lung cancer or stroke is much smaller.

In fact, the risk of these diseases was half that of the other participants. Even before the study was carried out, scientists suspected that a bacterium that the body had completed with its existence for so long could not only be bad. Scientists have also shown in experiments in mice in childhood that Helicobacter provides reliable protection from asthma. Once the mice were given antibiotics, this defense disappeared and they were again at risk of developing the disease. If the bacteria were given to adult mice, the protective effect still existed, but much less conspicuously. This observation closely matches the general trends observed mainly in the industrialized countries: asthma, allergies, diabetes, and nephritis have increased in parallel with a decrease in the incidence of Helicobacter bacteria. This observation is not proof that Helicobacter is the only protective agent against asthma, but it may be a component in a general picture. The theory raised to explain the phenomenon says that the Helicobacter bacteria teach our immune system to remain calm. The Helicobacter binds to our stomach cells, creating a large number of suppressive T cells. Suppressive T cells are cells of the immune system that are supposed to lay a calming hand on the shoulder of the immune system when it is derailed like a drunk in a crowded nightclub, and tell her, "Let's handle it calmly." As their name suggests, they suppress an overactive immune system. While the tumultuous immune system still roars, "Get out of my lungs immediately, disturbed pollen," showing her willingness to fight by giving us red, swollen, and even liquid eyes, the oppressive T cells say, "One minute, an expensive immune system, Excessive. This flower pollen is just looking for a flower to pollinate. She just landed here by mistake. This is more of a problem than a problem. She'll never find her flower now. " The more intelligent these cells are, the more relaxed the immune system. When the Helicobacter pylori causes an unusually large number of such cells in one mouse, the condition of the asthmatic member can be improved by moving these cells to it. This should be a simpler solution than twisting a mouse to use a tiny inhaler. And not just asthma, the incidence of eczema appears to be about one-third lower in those who host the Helicobacter pylori bacteria. But as I mentioned earlier, in parallel with the recent decline in the incidence of Hb, there has been an increase in asthma and diabetes. The increase in the incidence of inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmune problems and chronic inflammation is perhaps a contemporary trend, caused by the fact that we often inadvertently eliminate something that has protected us for thousands of years. Helicobacter pylori is a highly skilled bacterium. You can not label it simply as good or bad. It always depends on what exactly the bacterium does within us. Whether it produces dangerous toxins or responds to any stimulation in a way that somehow protects our bodies. Does our cells in a constant state of irritation or are we able to produce enough mucus in the stomach to satisfy our needs? Some part of the game fills factors that irritate the lining of the stomach, such as painkillers, cigarette smoke, alcohol, coffee, etc. Is it a combination of all these that cause stomach ulcers?


The common way to treat this bacterium is antibiotic therapy with side effects associated with antibiotics. 

But according to the new studies that have been published recently, there is a probiotic therapeutic method that appears in the Helico-Backstop as a natural alternative to antibiotic treatment. This product, with the contents of 25 billion essential bacteria, is used as a product that alleviates the negative effects of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, and it can also be used as a probiotic product in every respect and can, therefore, be used to stimulate the cellular and hormonal immune system in addition to the balance of the intestinal flora and its proper functioning.


Lactobacillus Reuteri Pylopass

Lactobacillus Acidophilus

Lactobacillus Plantarum

Lactobacillus Salivarius

Lactobacillus Casei

Lactobacillus Rhamnosus

Bifidobacterium Bulgaricus

Lactococcus Lactis

Bifidobacterium Longum

Bifidobacterium Bifidum

Fibrulin (FOS)


Instructions and Important Information

2 capsules a day - 
One in the morning and the second one in the evening, on an empty stomach*, (*60 minutes before a meal, or 2 hours after a meal)

Helicobacstop does not contain: sugar, gluten, soy, lactose or food coloring 

Kosher by the supervision of Hatam Sofer | Petach-Tikva | Israel


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