Factory sealed, smoke-free home

A week in the life of Allen Ginsberg spent with Hungarian writer, poet, and translator Istvan Eorsi and a small camera crew in the streets of New York. Sharing thoughtful discussions with the famed American Beat poet, Eorsi himself was known for his sarcastic, often abrasive style and passionately held political views on revisionist Marxism and the 1956 Hungarian revolution, for which he was subsequently jailed.

Ginsberg reads some of his recent and old poems in his kitchen: 
"These Knowing Age"
"Father Death Blues"
"C'mon Pigs of Western Civilization"
"New Stanzas for Amazing Grace"
"On Political Skeletons"

Eorsi listens to his friend recording "Howl" at the Looking Glass studio. On their walks Ginsberg introduces his friend to the quarter. They meet friends Peter Orlovsky, Jonas Mekas and Gregory Corso.

96 min.