
Convertible Fabric Soft-Top

Cleaner & Ultra Proofer Complete Kit

including Brushes, Container, etc. 



All you need to Clean & Re-proof your fabric soft top.


1 x 500ml Soft Top Canvas Cleaner

1 x 500ml Ultra Proofer

1 x Upholstery / Hood brush

1 x Sponge

1 x 38mm (1.5") Brush

1 x Product Kettle / Container with handle

1 x 500ml Renovo Soft Top Canvas Cleaner. 

For regular maintenance and cleaning of canvas / fabric convertible soft-tops, freshens appearance and helps to preserve the soft top's condition. Renovo Canvas Cleaner is catergorically the best product for your convertibles hood.

Soft Top Canvas Cleaner removes grime and ingrained dirt without impairing the appearance of the convertible car's fabric and is suitable for all colours.

Soft Top Canvas Cleaner is recommended for preparation of the convertible car's soft-top before application of Renovo Soft-Top Reviver.




 1 x 500ml Renovo Ultra Proofer.


Renovo Ultra Proofer will re-establish the original “as new” waterproof weather barrier of your convertible soft top.

The recently improved formulation now has the added benefits of UV factor protection and a mould / mildew growth inhibitor to ensure your convertible soft tops look like new for longer.

Renovo Ultra Proofer will help to prevent the harmful penetration of everyday dirt into the fibres of new and old convertible top material and help to keep the colour provided by Renovo Soft top Reviver fresher for even longer.


This Kit also contains the following Extras to complete the Job :


1  x  Upholstery / hood brush and sponge to clean your hood

1  x  38mm (1.5") brush to apply the Renovo Ultra Proofer

1  x  Product Container with handle to decant the product for ease of use

Suitable For 2 Seater Covertibles : MX5, Z3, Z4, MGF, Etc.



Suitable for use on all : Canvas, Double Duck and Mohair Soft-tops.

500ml. Renovo Ultra Proofer is sufficient for one coat on an average two-seater hood.