ALUMINIUM Pelmennica Ukrainian Pelmeni Mold Pelmennitsa Dumplings Ravioli maker

With our pelmeni mold preparation of meat Ukrainian dumplings will be interesting and easy.
You will get very very tasty home meat dumplings spending a minimum of efforts.
Pelmeni mold is simple in use - even your child will be able to do meat dumplings.

Why you should eat tasteless half-finished goods- if you can do the home
meat dumplings much faster with pelmeni mold!

How to use

   Material: Food Aluminium 
  Color: Metal
  Diameter: 25 cm

Approximate Weight: 0.165 kg

Before use, rinse the mold thoroughly with detergent powder.
For successful work, some edges of the mold must be sharp. Be careful.
Important: We clean excess metal and burrs before selling. But sometimes, small sharp elements remain on the product. Be careful. If necessary, remove them with a file or sandpaper.
Shipping by air mail registering parcels.

Today, the Ukrainian army is fighting for all of us. For peace, for democracy.
We all must stop the war together
Putin will not stop. Only the Ukrainian people can stop him

We are working. In our city, sirens sound and shells explode
But we are not leaving. We protect ourselves and all of you

We transfer money from the sale of our goods to help army and refugee
Help us.
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You can also buy a patriotic magnet to make your contribution to the Victory!


Please send a link to our lots to your friends and acquaintances.
Protect the world from World War III!

Our office is located in Dnipro. Postal services are working.


Специально для граждан бывшего СССР проживающих за рубежом:
Пельменницы и вареничницы Вы получаете бесплатно, так как стоимость почтовой пересылки $6.
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Будьте доброжелательны и милосердны. Спасибо.