Optimate O7 FAST Delivery

SAE to TM Converter Lead

The Optimate range changed from the White TM connector to the NEW Black SAE connector. This “O7” product is a 15cm adapter lead that will enable compatibility between chargers and accessories across the range from SAE > TM.

Simply plug one end of the converter lead into a standard OptiMate TM lead (e.g. TM71) and you can then use a newer OptiMate, or other SAE accessory).  In this way, you can connect an SAE compatible OptiMate to a bike or car equipped with a TM lead.  Supplied complete with removable weatherproof rubber cap.

Note that if you require TM>SAE connection from an OLD TM charger to a NEW SAE connection then you need the “O17” lead.


Please note that to offer free postage at a competitive price to pass the savings onto you, we remove the new item from its original packaging and send it to you in a shipping Jiffy bag type package in the large letter postage category.