Crayola Glow Explosion - Glow Paint and Scenes

Crayola Glow Paint is the ultimate create-in-the-dark art activity! Turn down the lights, select a scene, paint on the colours and get glowing! Your creations will glow for 4 fantastic hours!

The Crayola Glow Paint Set Contains: 
2 Paint Brushes, 
4 Glow Paint Packets, 
5 Paint Scenes,
a Stir Stick, 
a Paint Tray. 

Crayola Glow Explosion is available in Crayola Glow Explosion Paint and Scenes, Crayola Glow Explosion Glow Stick Gear, Crayola Glow Explosion Markers & Paper, Crayola Glow Explosion Sand Art Scenes, and Crayola Glow Explosion Sand Sculptures.