SPRAY VITAMINS  from Your Health Solutions 


Absorption – Oral Absorption is the process that occurs when nutrients or other molecules are taken up into the capillaries and veins that line the mouth.  To do this, the nutrient molecules must cross the buccal membrane, which lines the inside of the mouth.  Once across this membrane the nutrient enters the blood vessels, which drain into the jugular vein and from there they enter the systemic circulation, which distributes blood, and the nutrients it is carrying, throughout the body.  This is a rapid process, taking place in the space of a few seconds.  


Nitroglycerin is perhaps the best-known example.  (The first recognition of the ability of a substance to cross the oral mucosa was reported by Braunton in his Gaulstonian Lectures delivered at the Royal College of Physicians in 1877)

In addition to nitroglycerin, there are numerous other drugs and vitamins    that have been shown to absorb across the buccal membrane.  There are literally thousands of published research papers on oral absorption (both buccal and sublingual) of vitamins, minerals and drugs. 

 Oral absorption is a simple concept – with massive repercussions throughout the health industry.  Drug delivery is a highly active research field and in the next few years we can expect more and more drugs to be developed for delivery by buccal absorption. 

 Formulation – we have taken great care to create excellence.

·         There are no artificial flavours or colours

·         We use no sugar, starch, wheat, soy, gluten, eggs, salt, or dairy

·         The product contains Xylitol (which is known for cavity protection and it is diabetic-safe)

·         The flavours are natural mints or fruits.

·         The product is suitable for vegetarians


Dosage - Each oral spray gives a precise, metered dose of product with every pump, which allows the user to feel secure that she/he is receiving the correct dose each time.

 Convenience – The spray tube will easily fit in your handbag, pocket, or briefcase.  There is no need to look for a glass of water to take a tablet, or to measure spoonsful of liquid or powder into water, or count the number of drops under the tongue.

 Bioavailability - As discussed by Srinivasan (reference 1), when referring to tablets, “Good quality is associated with the ability to disintegrate and dissolve".  In the case of our spray vitamins the active components are already in solution or suspension; in other words, the nutrient is already dissolved and just waiting to be absorbed into your system.


Vitamin D3, for example, is an oil-soluble vitamin, so there can be challenges in developing a truly beneficial formulation.  Our product, as well as being a fine mist spray, is also an emulsion, meaning that the vitamin is fully mixed with the water with which it is sprayed – this again helps the absorption and bioavailability within the body.

The container we use protects the liquid from light and air, keeping the ingredients potent, with a much longer shelf life.


   Safety - Our sprays contain no fillers, like tablets do; therefore the chance of an allergic or nauseous reaction is nearly zero.



1.    Srinivasan, V.S.  2001.  Bioavailability of Nutrients: A Practical Approach to In Vitro Demonstration of the Availability of Nutrients in Multivitamin-Mineral Combination Products.  J. Nutr. 131:1349S-1350S.

2.    Hoag, S.W., Ramachandruni, H. and Shargraw, R.F.  1997.  Failure of Prescription Prenatal Vitamin Products to Meet USP Standards for Folic Acid Dissolution.  J. Am. Pharm Assoc.  37:397-400.

3.    Stamatakis, M.K. and Meyer-Stout, P.J.  1999.  Disintegration Performance of Renal Multivitamin Supplements.  J.Renal Nutr.  9:78-83.

   B-CALM Vitamin Spray

The biochemistry of stress is fairly complex. It involves the production and release of hormones into your bloodstream that cause Cortisol to be released by the adrenal glands. Cortisol speeds up the metabolism. At the same time, the cells of the brain stem and spinal cord send a message that stimulates the adrenal glands to secrete epinephrine that increases the heart rate, breathing and alertness, ready for fight or flight. If this cycle continues over an extended period of time it can have serious repercussions on your mental and physical health.

The B vitamins are thought to help regulate the biochemical functions described above, and in doing so may reduce stress, and with it the associated anxiety and depression. In fact, many of the symptoms of vitamin B deficiency are those that are also associated with stress: anxiety, nervousness, depression irritability and so on. The three B vitamins most connected with the nervous system, and that have the most effect on stress are vitamins B3, 5, 6 and 12.



 Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin. Its role in the operations of our bodies is diverse from maintaining the nervous system, red blood cells, and energy metabolism to the proper         functioning of our brain, heart, liver, and kidneys. It is, in fact, essential for optimal health, performance, and wellbeing.

It is required for normal cellular activity, working with folic acid to create building blocks for RNA and DNA synthesis and the synthesis of molecules that help maintain the proper functioning of the genome. This vitamin also helps the nervous system function properly and aids in energy production and in fatty acid biosynthesis. The body uses only small amounts of vitamin B12 to carry out these tasks.

Vitamin B12 works with vitamin B6 and folic acid to control homocysteine levels. Excess levels of homocysteine have been linked to increased risk of stroke, osteoporosis, heart disease, and Alzheimers disease.

Vitamin B12 occurs naturally in meats and other sources of animal proteins

(it is not found in plants), and serious deficiencies are rare in healthy individuals who consume a balanced diet. However, vegans, vegetarians, the elderly or those who have had any kind of gastric surgery, may suffer lower than healthy levels of vitamin B12.

Signs of Vitamin B12 deficiency

Deficiency of Vitamin B12 has been linked to:


Decreased sensory perception


Diminished reflex response

Mood changes

Cognitive dysfunction

Amenorrhea (lack of menstrual flow)

Pernicious anemia

Potential uses for Vitamin B12

Research indicates that Vitamin B12 may also be useful in the treatment of:


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)



Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Cardiovascular disease


Pernicious anemia




Good Night is an oral spray dietary supplement designed as a natural support for sleep. Good Night contains herbal extracts as well as nutrients known to help promote rest and sleep.

Sleep is essential for a persons health and wellbeing, according to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF). However millions of people do not get enough sleep and many regularly suffer from a lack of sleep. For example, surveys conducted by the NSF (most recent data from 1999-2004) show that at least 40 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders and 60 percent of adults in the United States report having sleep problems a few nights a week or more. The problem is that for most people these problems go undiagnosed and untreated. Lack of, or poor quality of sleep at night can have serious consequences and more than 40 percent of adults experience daytime sleepiness severe enough to interfere with their daily activities at least a few days each month - with 20 percent reporting problem sleepiness a few days a week or more. Furthermore, 69 percent of children experience one or more sleep problems a few nights or more during a week.

One of the tremendous benefits offered by the oral spray delivery system is that it works quickly - no waiting around for a tablet or capsule to dissolve in your stomach. You simply spray the spearmint-flavoured product directly into your mouth and it goes to work immediately. Another great thing about Good Night is that it doesnt leave you feeling groggy in the morning, which can happen with many of the OTC sleep aids.

Based on our customer feedback, suggestions for use of the product vary from 816 sprays, taken 1520 minutes before you want to go to sleep; but please remember that this product is intended for use only at bedtime!

Active Contents of Product:

Melatonin; 5-hydroxytryptophan (Griffonia simplicifolia extract); L-theanine; and proprietary extract from Cramp Bark, Feverfew, Gingko biloba, Passionflower, Peppermint, Skullcap and Valerian root.


The World Health Organisation considers iron deficiency the number one nutritional disorder in the world. Studies have shown as many as 80% of the world's population may be iron deficient, while 30% may have iron deficiency anemia.

Signs of iron deficiency


Feeling tired and weak

Decreased work and school performance

Slow cognitive and social development during childhood

Difficulty maintaining body temperature

Decreased immune function, which increases susceptibility to infection

Glossitis (an inflamed tongue)


Plus vitamins D and E.
A powerful immune system booster, with all the benefits of oral spray delivery.

It is well known that  boosting your immune system can help stave off or shorten the duration of colds, however, what is less well-known is that the mineral zinc is also important in the fight against colds.

Zinc is a powerful antioxidant mineral essential for many enzymes to function, it is also needed for the normal function of the immune system and for healthly hair,skin and nails. It is used throughout the body and is critical for hundreds of processes from cell growth to sexual maturation and normal vision.

Zinc is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system

Zinc is a powerful antioxidant

Ensuring the healthy function of the reproductive organs

The maintenance of healthy skin and a good complexion 

More Zinc is found in the human body than any other trace element except iron, and is mostly located in bone, muscle, the prostate (in men) and the retina. Zinc acts as a vital component in the production of enzymes and can speed up wound healing. Zinc is found in abundance in shellfish (especially oysters).

Zinc is required for insulin formation and activity

Zinc is an antioxidant mineral, essential for many vital enzymatic processes

Zinc is needed for healthy reproductive and immune systems, for tissue renewal maintenance of the skin and for healthy bones and teeth

Zinc helps maintain healthy liver function and releases vitamin A from the liver

 Zinc oral spray supplement  together with vitamins D and E, which are also known to possess tremendous immune-boosting properties, in the convenience of an oral spray. This amazing balance, and proper combination of antioxidants and immune boosters, is designed to keep you healthy all year and especially during the winter months.

To use, simply spray the pleasant tasting product directly into your mouth. Z-Mune  oral spray gives a precise, metered dose of product with every pump, which allows you to feel secure that you are receiving the correct dose each time. For best results, use daily or at the very first signs of a cold or sore throat.


Multi-Vit contains 100% of the recommended daily value (DV) of vitamins A, B1 (Thiamin), B5 (Pantothenic acid) B6, and Folate (B9); 125% DV of vitamin D3; 200% DV of vitamin B12; 50% DV of Niacin (B3); and 20% DV of vitamin C. We have also included a proprietary blend of trace minerals designed to complement the activity of the vitamins.


Until recently, many doctors recommended multivitamins only to women planning to get pregnant. Others believed that, in general, a multivitamin was necessary only if you dont get all the nutrients you need from diet alone. Now most doctors believe that taking a multivitamin is good insurance for all patients.

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can stem from many things, including poor eating habits, a very low-calorie or strict vegetarian or vegan diet, or advancing age (when the bodys ability to absorb key nutrientsincluding vitamin D from sunlight and vitamin B12 from fooddiminishes.) Others with special nutritional needs include women who are pregnant, likely to become pregnant, or breast-feeding; anyone with a disorder that impairs digestion or absorption, as in after gastric surgery; or anyone with a chronic, nutrient-depleting illness, such as cancer or AIDS.1

Vitamins are divided into two types: fat soluble and water-soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) are stored in the fat tissues and liver. When the body requires these nutrients, they are transported to the necessary area within the body and used as needed.

Water-soluble vitamins (including the vitamin B group and vitamin C) are not stored in the body like the fat soluble ones, and need to be replenished everyday.

Dont take our word for it. See what doctors, health care professionals and scientists have to say:

Many of us strive to have a well-rounded diet, rich in fruits and vegetables. Fresh organic produce is the best source for antioxidants and vitamins. Fruits, nuts, vegetables, when included in your diet daily, helps reduce your risk for cancer, heart disease, stroke and other chronic diseases. So, why do I need a multi-vitamin, you ask? Mulit-vitamins can provide your body key nutrients that your diet may be lacking and can help prevent chronic diseases. We are exposed to many toxins in our daily life and these vitamins can help with liver detoxification pathways so that toxins are broken down and excreted in an efficient manner. I recommend a daily multivitamin supplement to almost all of my patients. Dr. Mundeir at Surat Naturopathic (9/7/11)

1. November 2007 issue of Consumer Reports on Health

Q - A recent magazine article about multivitamins said that taking them is a waste of money. How do you feel about this?

A - That's nonsense. If you eat the perfect diet; live a calm lifestyle; and avoid toxins such as pesticides, heavy metals, prescription drugs and radiation, then perhaps you wouldn't need to take additional vitamins, minerals, and other supplements. But we live in the modern world, and a strong foundation program that includes a multi is a necessity these days Dr. Stephen Sinatra (drsinatra.com) 5/14/12

If you've ever tossed from the fridge weary vegetables that never made it to your plate, you're not alone. Despite our best intentions, healthy eating habits sometimes go astray. So, nearly 50 percent of adults use a daily multivitamin to pick up the nutritional slack in their diets, according to the American Dietetic Association (ADA). Most dietitians favour improving food choices over popping a pill, but they also understand the safeguarding benefits of a multivitamin. "Food and supplements are not mutually exclusive," says Marie Dunford, Ph.D., R.D., the author of Nutrition Logic: Food First, Supplements Second, who believes a multivitamin can "insure" you on days when healthful habits slide. Cynthia Sass, M.P.H., M.A., R.D., (a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association and an adjunct professor of nutrition at the University of South Florida.)

I dont know a single person who gets their 2½ cups of veggies daily. Nor have I encountered anyone who manages to consume enough calcium, whole grains, or fruit every single day in order to cover the RDA requirements. Additionally, even whole foods are not as nutritionally dense as they used to be. In years past, foods where grown from natural nutrient rich soil, not festering with pesticides, and pollutants from the air. As time goes on and the world changes, so then does our food supply. It is no great epiphany that people need to supplement with multivitamins. Multivitamins can be a vital part of your health and wellness regimen. They can help prevent chronic disease including heart disease, osteoporosis and cancer. schwartzlabs.com

Q - But I heard that multivitamins could cause harm.

A - Riiight. Injecting an infant with eight vaccines simultaneously is just fine. No need to concern oneself with the electromagnetic radiation emanating from cell phones and cell phone towers. Fluoridating the water supply is a good idea because it reduces the incidence of dental caries. Drinking diet beverages loaded with phosphoric acid and aspartame is not a problem. People should take statins and antidepressants as preventive medicines. Pay no attention to the chemicals being sprayed in the air by unmarked planes. And corn sugar is peachy keen. But look out for those multivitamins... they could cause some serious damage!

Dr. Matthew Marturano: Do I Really Need a Multivitamin, And Can They Harm Me? (Please read his entire article on the website: drmattnd.com)

      META-BOOST Is designed to increase your energy and act as a natural metabolic booster. What this means is that it may

      help promote the burning of unwanted fat in your system.  Meta-Boost boasts ingredients known to support a

      healthy metabolism, including Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Zinc, L-Carnitine, Coenzyme Q-10 and Hydroxycitric acid.

Vitamin D3 with Vitamin K2 helps to prevent hardening of the arteries, which is a common factor in coronary artery disease and heart failure. Research suggests vitamin K2 may help to keep calcium out of your artery linings and other body tissues, where it can cause damage. The latest studies show it's vitamin K2, rather than K1, in concert with vitamin D, that prevents calcification in your coronary arteries, thereby preventing cardiovascular disease.


Vitamin K2 is one of the most important nutritional interventions for improving your bone density. It serves as the biological "glue" that helps plug calcium and other important minerals into your bone matrix. There have been some remarkable research studies about the protective effects of vitamin K2 against osteoporosis: