Approximate Dimensions

115mm x 78mm

4.25" x 3"

These great little trifold wallets will hold more than you'd imagine.

They're well-constructed with double stitching, yet they have a lovely, rustic appearance. Within just a short time, the leather will soften and darken and it will look like you've had your wallet for years.

The initial leather colour can vary batch to batch. With a bit of time and use, the leather will always darken to a deep, rich brown.

We're delighted to now include our goat logo on the front of these wallets.

About these wallets:

Discounts apply automatically to multiple purchases of the same item.

Billy Goat Designs is the Australia/New Zealand distributor of the range of Renapur leather-care products.

See the rest of our range of goat-leather wallets in our eBay store.

Find us on Facebook and Instagram as @billygoatdesigns