This is a collection of 21 uncommon original items, all here first printed, by and about the widely acclaimed poet, translator, teacher and first-rate essayist (and winner, among other awards, of the Pulitzer Prize, the Ruth Lilly Poetry Award, and National Book Award) C.K. Williams. He passed away on the 20th of September, 2015. They include:  

(All complete issues in very good condition).

Poetry (Chicago) for March 1964. This complete very good issue offers Williams' first published poem, "Sleeping Over."


Poetry (Chicago) for February 1973. A very good copy which offers a review of the 36-year-old Williams' third book, "I Am the Bitter Name" by Jascha Kessler.


Triquarterly (Northwestern) for Fall 1983. This complete issues features two new poems, here first printed, by the 47 year-old Williams, "Neglect," and "Waking Jed," a poem later singled out (see below) by critic Bruce Bawer as one of the very best from Williams' important new volume volume "Tar" (1984).  


Poetry (Chicago) for September 1984 which offers Bruce Bawer's first contribution to the monthly, an enthusiastic review (among others) of Williams' new book of poems, Tar. See photo #4.


Triquarterly for Winter 1986. A nice one that features nine new poems by Williams and his essay "Of Poetry and Justice." This number also includes several photos of Williams (and others) in attendance at the "Writer in Our World" Symposium, along with his commentary, in which he participated at Northwestern University in November 1984.  


Triquarterly for Spring/Summer 1988. Another nice copy that offers Williams' first-rate essay called "The Poet and History."  


Poetry (Chicago) for December 1993 which features a review of Williams' book of poems (his 10th), "A Dream of Mind," by poet Ben Howard. See photo #4.  


Rattle: Poetry for the 21st Century for Winter 2001 (see photos #2-3) which offers an interview (from 4 April 2001) with Williams and Rattle editor Alan Fox and a new poem, "Gravel." Nice copy.


Tin House Magazine for Winter 2002. Nice complete issue (late addition, not in photos) offers Williams's new poem, "Lessons."


The New York Review of Books for 12 June 2003. This issue (complete, late addtion) offers Williams' new poem, one of some despair, called "Leaves."


The New York Review of Books for 11 March 2004. Late addition, this very good complete issue features poet Charles Simic in review of Williams' National Book Award-Winning "The Singing" and other volumes by Williams, with some generous quotations from his work.   


The always lively Literary Imagination (Oxford) for Winter 2005 which features Williams' notable essay, "The Music of Poetry and the Music of Mind." 


The London Times Literary Supplement for 8 September 2006 which offers Williams' new poem, "Apes." One of Williams' most prominent traits, that of the sometime compulsive worrier (like where the process of human evolution has taken us--not far enough), surfaces here, and in his 2011 poem "Butchers" (see below), although Williams later offers an alternative to this line of thought in an essay called "Nature and Panic" (see below).


Poetry (Chicago) for January 2009 which opens with three new poems by Williams, "I Hate," "Zebra," and "Wait." See photo #4.   


Poetry for March 2009 which prints a longer literary essay by Williams, "Solitary Caverns: On Globalization and Poetry." Included with this number is the September 2009 issue of Poetry which offers in their "Letters" feature commentary from a reader about Williams' March essay and his response (much in these issues about American poetry of the 1950s/60). Two issues. See photo #4.  


"[Walt] Whitman's Music." This is a longer literary essay by Williams in the Threepenny Review, Spring 2010. Late addition, not in photo, a very good copy. Whitman was a favorite poet of Williams. 


The Times Literary Supplement (London) for 25 February 2011. Late addition, not in photo but a nice complete issue. It includes an essay in review of Williams' new volume of poems, "Wait." This by Paul Batchelor. It's called "Not Even a Couch."


Poetry (Chicago) for April 2011. The issue includes Williams' poem "Butchers." This is a later addition, not in photo. Like new copy. This number also includes some translations from Arthur Rimbaud's "Illuminations" by poet John Ashbery.


Poetry for October 2012 which here first prints Williams' new literary essay of some considerable interest, "Nature and Panic."  


The Times Literary Supplement for 13 October 2017. This number includes an essay by Tim Dooley in review of Williams' "Final Collection" of poems, Falling Ill. It's headed "Cry Goodbye Aloud."