Key Features:

Heavy Blend Hoodie

I don't know if you know this. But I'm kind of a big deal. I'm pretty famous. Just 90s famous though. What? You don't know who I am? I'll have you know that I was in the 29th episode of Full House as Danny Tanner's friend #2. How dare you not know who I am? How dare you lose sight of what true fame and glory looks like. This is a catastrophe. This Heavy Blend Adult Hoodie Sweatshirt should have said it all to you. This Heavy Blend Adult Hoodie Sweatshirt proves to everyone how 90s famous I am. I cannot believe that you are not into me as much as I am into me. How dare you, good sir. How dare you.

If you're 90s famous and have no other way to prove it other than this Heavy Blend Hoodie then show it to the world. This Heavy Blend Hoodie is perfect for everyone who just wants a little taste of fame and to show it with the world. Not only are you 90s famous but you're also incredibly noticeable aren't you? With your frosted tips and oversized flannel. With your cool backwards baseball cap and your converse shoes. This is who you are. You relatively famous star you.