Is a stone of growth and moving forward on the path of your life. It will fill you with energy and motivation.

Protects you from your psychic self.

Unusually for being a dark stone astrolpyllite rules the crown chakra.

One of the strongest stones for developing spiritual and intellectual strength.

Enhances telepathic abilities and The ability to interact with people through psychic means.

Helps you accept yourself own actions, especially past actions that you regret.

Asyrophyllite will fill you with celestial light and pure positive energy.

It does not protect like black tourmaline or obsidian instead it floods you with so much light that no darkness can remain around you.

Helps you make decisions.

Asyrophyllite has the ability to help those who have been reincarnated become conscious of their past selves.

In deja vous experiences using astrophyllite will make your experiences farvmore pronounced and actually help you to see what has happened.

You can develop a sense of cosmic satisfaction with your life which can be difficult to achieve otherwise.

Calms and grounds

Help you become more confident calm and honest.

The interesting thing about astrophyllite is that it's powers seem to run counter to what you might expect from a spiny dark metallic stone.

This will of been cleansed and charged by the last full moon. If you would like me to programme this bracelet for something specific then please just send me a message

The healing crystal meanings are for spiritual support and are not prescriptions or health care information.

if your crystal healing bracelet breaks snaps or explodes there are many reasons why

energy being energy there is always a reason.

if your bracelet breaks at the knot then this means the knot has worked its way loose. it does not happen often but i will send some spare elastic just in the off chance this happens.

some people say their bracelets seem to explode off their wrist and all the beads fly everywhere,if you have never taken your bracelet off, this means the crystals need a break, time to recharge or they want to be free and scattered.(spreading the love) if this happens in the house then you can either pick them up and bury them in soil or if you feel you cannot part with them , keep them in a little bag.

If you wake up in the morning and your bracelet has broken in bed, this means you do not need your bracelet where you were going, you have gone beyond the need for them anymore. 

Because your Sacred gemstone bracelet/amulet is an 'energy piece', the ultimate sign that the bracelet has caused a breakthrough to occur is when a crystal or gemstone may crack or the amulet's wire may break. This means that the bracelet/amulet has given all of its energy to you and can do no more, then out of respect for your beloved stones you must find the remaining stones and bury them back into mother earth.