Black Rock Salt Powder / Kala Namak - Loose.

What Is Kala Namak?

Kala namak is a type of rock salt. It is a salty and pungent-smelling condiment used in South Asia, also known as “Himalayan black salt” and It is found mostly in the Himalayas of Nepal.

Why Should I Get Kala Namak?

Its rather strong smell comes from its high sulphur/sulphite mineral content, which is especially desirable if your diet prohibits you from using animal products. This is because Kala Namak makes a wonderful substitute for egg.

You can reduce its flavour during cooking and so your can rather easily control its influence over your meal, but it does go without saying that to some degree or another it will add the unmistakable taste of “hard boiled egg”. The salt is a chalky dark pink in colour, somewhat similar to your typical Himalayan rose pink salt, but those of you in the know will be aware that Himalayan salts bright pink colour is a result of its high and unusual mineral content and kala namak is no exception to this effect.

Kala namak is not only comprised of sulphites but just like pink salt it has high concentrations of magnesium, and iron too