1920's High School Yearbook including students and teachers, activities and sports, many candids and picturing then graduating senior and future celebrated film actor Henry Fonda who is pictured in graduating senior pictures. Great issue with excellent pictures and period design.  

Henry Fonda first made his mark in film in his Academy Award nominated performance as Tom Joad in The Grapes of WrathThroughout five decades in film, Fonda cultivated a strong, appealing screen image in such classics as The Ox-Bow Incident, Mister Roberts, and 12 Angry Men. Later, Fonda moved both toward darker epics such as Sergio Leone's Once Upon a TIme in the West and lighter roles in family comedies such as Yours Mine and Ours with Lucille Ball, winning the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role in the movie On Golden Pond. Other important roles are in films: Jezebel, Jesse James, Young Mr. Lincoln (as Abraham Lincoln), Drums Along the Mohawk, Fort Apache, The Wrong Man, The Tin Star, Advise and Consent, How the West Was Won, Sometimes a Great Notion, Gideon's Trumpet, Clarence Darrow, Midway, and others. 

Very Good condition softback issue with tight binding and text and clean pages, with no must or mildew or smoke effects. With wear to the cover overlay as shown here. Solid.

Great rarity giving a great look into the early life and times of one Hollywood's all-time great actors.  Just waiting for a good home.

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