Organic Long Grain Brown Rice

  • Non-GMO
  • Kosher
  • Organic
  • Raw
  • Vegan

✔️ORGANIC PRODUCT: Organic Long Grain Brown Rice is free of GMO and other additives.

✔️NUTRITIOUS: Organic Long Grain Brown Rice contains many vitamins and minerals needed by everyone.

✔️DELICIOUS AND VERSATILE: Irreplaceable cereals in every kitchen for preparing various dishes.

✔️LOW GLYCEMIC INDEX: The glycemic index of Brown Rice is about 45 units.

✔️HEARTY PRODUCT: One serving of Organic Long Grain Brown Rice will give you energy and a feeling of satiety.

Brown rice is a type of cereal, which got its name due to its dark color. Grains do not undergo deep processing, and an outer coating remains rice bran, which has a brown tint.

Brown rice is more nutritious than white. It has a nutty flavor because the bran is “attached” to the grains and contains oils with unsaturated fats.

Calorie of Organic Long Grain Brown Rice is not small. In general, it is 100 kilocalories per 1 ounce. But in the form of a cooked, the number of calories decreases almost three times. It allows you to get enough without a large number of calories, and the body will receive a mass of nutrients.

Organic Long Grain Brown Rice contains a large number of beneficial trace elements and vitamins. Brown Rice contains on average 3-3.5 times more protein than white rice, and 12 times more fiber. This rice contains a wide range of B vitamins, as well as trace elements such as potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium. It also contains selenium, zinc and vitamin E.

Organic Long Grain Brown Rice is perfect for puddings, casseroles, cereals, pilaf, risotto. It goes well with seafood, mushrooms, vegetables, dried fruits.

How to Cook

1. Rinse the cereal in cold water until it is clear.
2. Soak it for several hours in cold water (or overnight).
3. Transfer the prepared rice to the cooking pot and pour cold water at the rate of 1 cup of cereal to 2.5-3 cups of water, add a teaspoon of salt and bring to a boil.
4. On high heat rice cook for 5-10 minutes under a tightly closed lid.
5. Remove from heat, rinse in cold water.
6. Add rice to cold water again and cook for another 15 minutes after boiling,
7. Remove from heat and wrap in a blanket so that the rice has reached readiness.

To keep brown the rice longer, put it to an airtight container and store in a cool and dark place.