Le Tooter



The Le Tooter produces fart sounds just by squeezing it and the air coming out of the hole at the top of the product, there are no batteries required. Sneak one of these into the palm of your hand and squeeze to make funny fart sounds.

Getting the technique right takes a little time but when you do its worth the wait. Just search for 'pooter' or 'le tooter' on youtube and watch some of the videos of people using this product and you will see what I mean!

 Make your friends and family laugh with this great practical joke! It's like a fart machine except that there are no batteries required.

Suitable for ages 7+ and they make great gifts.

Please note that the packaging the tooter comes in can be a bit crumpled.

La Queefer

The La Queefer is the same as the Le Tooter except that it is pink in colour to appeal to females.