Description: Pesach Haggadah Printed in 1901. Very clear and vibrant lithographs, the quality of which impresses, including an excellent translation by the famous R. J. Furstenthal. Complete with 80 + 4 pages, nice matching end papers. Excellent conditioned pages, but stains throughout. Uncommon given the preservation of the pages and print which this Haggadah possesses. Bound in plain red cloth hard covers.

Taken from the title page: Hagada gebete fur den hauslichen gottesdienst am ersten und sweiten abende des Pessachfestes Deutch Ubersetzt und erlautert von Dr. R. J. Furstenthal, nebst einem Gedichte Das PessachFest Von Salamon Pleknev Prag (Prague) Und Breslau Verlag Von Jakob B. Brandeis 1901.
Which means in English:
Hagada prayers for the home service on the first and second nights of the Passover
Translated To German and explained by Dr. R. J. Furstenthal, together with a poem 'The Passover Festival' By Salamon Pleknev Prague (Prague) And Wroclaw. Published By Jakob B. Brandeis 1901.

About the translator:
Raphael Jacob Fürstenthal (born in Glogau 1781; died at Breslau, February 16, 1855) was a German Jewish poet, translator, and Hebrew writer.

Fürstenthal's attention was directed chiefly toward the modernization of Jewish religious services, both in and out of the synagogue, and to this end he translated into German the most important liturgical books. These versions became very popular among the German Jews; and, in spite of many subsequent translations, they have retained their popularity to the present time. To some of them, as, for instance, the Penitential Prayers, he added Hebrew commentaries.

He did a lot of work in philosophical and exegetical literature. His German translations of and Hebrew commentaries to the Moreh Nebukim of Moses Maimonides and the Ḥobot ha-Lebabot of Baḥya ibn Paḳuda, and especially his large Hebrew commentary to the whole Bible, evidence his great versatility in Talmudic and Midrashic literature.

Some of his more important works are:
Selihot, translated into German together with a Hebrew commentary ("Meṭib Safah"), ib. 1826
"Das Judenthum in Staatsbürgerlicher Beziehung," ib. 1832
"Rabbinische Anthologie," ib. 1834
"Die Männer Gottes, oder Biblische Charakteristik," a translation of M. B. Friedenthal's "Yesod ha-Dat," Berlin, 1835
German translation of the "Ḥobot ha-Lebabot," with a Hebrew commentary ("Or la-Yesharim."), Breslau, 1835
German translation of the "Moreh Nebukim," with a Hebrew commentary (first part only), Krotoschin, 1839 (an appendix to this work was published by Fürstenthal, Leipsic, 1839)
Bible, under the general title "Or le-Yisrael," with Hebrew commentary ("Bi'ur we-Som Sekel"), Krotoschin, 1839-43
German translation of "Ḳol Sason," liturgies for Purim and the fast of Esther, containing also a supercommentary ("Pittuḥe Ḥotam") to the commentary of Abraham ibn Ezra on the Book of Esther, ib. 1840 (2d ed., ib. 1845)
"Das Jüdische Traditionswesen," a translation of Maimonides' introduction to the Mishnah, with explanatory annotations, ib. 1842
"Menorat ha-Ma'or" by Isaac Aboab, German translation (completed by Benzion Behrend), 3 vols., ib. 1844-48
German translation of "Ḳol Beki," liturgy for the Ninth of Ab, with a history of the destruction of the Temple, 2d ed., ib. 1845
German translation of Machzor for all festivals, under the general title "Minḥah Ḥadashah," 3 vols., ib. 1845.


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